How to prove roots in your country of origin for the Canadian temporary visa

How to prove roots in your country of origin for the Canadian temporary visaHow to prove roots in your country of origin for the Canadian temporary visa

When a foreigner plans to study in Canada, he/she must prepare very well and consider aspects that he/she may not imagine, but that are essential for the Canadian government. One of them is rootedness in your home country, otherwise, the Immigration officer will send you back before you even set foot on Canadian soil, just like that. Canadian immigration authorities are instructed to detect whether or not the potential immigrant has strong ties to his or her homeland, which will ensure that he or she will leave Canada after completing his or her studies. 

Many of our users and clients have doubts about how to demonstrate roots in a strategic way, well done from the beginning, so we decided to elaborate this article with a guide that will lead you to take effective steps to demonstrate your intention to return home after studying, this is very positive for you because it will improve your chances of applying more successfully to the Canadian temporary visa. Let's get started!

What does rootedness in the country of origin mean?

Rootedness in this case is defined as the permanent establishment in a place, being linked to people and things. Here, we take into account the couple, the children, the family in general, also the job, the house, some land of one's own, etc. 

One thing that reassures the immigration authorities is the return flight itinerary, as it gives an expected length of stay in Canada.

What is the demonstration of rootedness to the country of origin?

This process specifically consists of providing the Canadian government with key written and verifiable information about your employment, family and dependents, property and financial assets, bank accounts and statements, among others.

What documents do you need to present to prove that you have roots in your country of origin?

Below is a list of 8 documents that demonstrate commitment and strong ties to your home country. You, when applying, must be able to demonstrate them.

  • Employment contracts or offer letters.
  • Pay stubs or income tax returns.
  • Letters from employers confirming your position and return date after the trip.
  • Marriage certificates.
  • Birth certificates.
  • Evidence of financial support for dependents.
  • Property deeds.
  • Mortgage/lease agreements.
  • Vehicle registration documents.
  • Regular banking transactions.
  • Investment statements.
  • Tax returns and financial records.
  • Certificates of community participation.
  • Letters of recommendation from community leaders.
  • Membership certificates of clubs/associations, condominium boards.
  • The return flight itinerary.
  • Letter of motives, this should be sincere but strategic at the same time, emphasizing in it your reasons for traveling to Canada and your strong intention to return home after your studies.
  • Letters of support or personal references that support your ties to your home country, such as employers, teachers or community leaders.

Immiland's recommendations for a successful rooting presentation

Now that you know the list of documents that demonstrate roots in your country of origin, follow these three tips that will give credibility to your presentation:

  1. Be consistent in the selection of documents, i.e., make sure they are aligned with the purpose of your trip to avoid raising concerns with immigration authorities. 
  2. Turn to the affidavit, it can help support your visa application. Read more about this legal resource in our article What is an affidavit?
  3. Seek professional advice, if you have any doubts, do not spare efforts or resources that may be more costly in the long run if you are returned earlier than expected due to lack of evidence. Remember that the consultant must be regulated by the ICAC, do not accept help or advice from third parties without being authorized by Canada. Our team of consultants is duly regulated and authorized by the Canadian government to advise and process your visa, click here to meet them.

Ultimately, to be successful in applying for a temporary Canadian visa, it is critical to provide evidence that you are expected back in your home country. At Immiland, we have the complete temporary and permanent visa service, plus we can handle your visa refusal

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With love,


Note: This article does not constitute legal advice or legal opinion from an attorney. Rather, it is provided solely to inform readers about certain aspects related to the details of the law in legal matters.

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