Frequently Asked Questions

Do the apartments come with furniture?

a) Homestays, student residences and private rooms in private homes are usually furnished.

b) Apartments and houses usually come with appliances.

Do the apartments come with furniture?

a) Homestays, student residences and private rooms in private homes are usually furnished.

b) Apartments and houses usually come with appliances.

Other questions you may be interested in

What is the deadline for registration?

Depending on the college selected, a clear example: for the September intake the deadlines (enrollment deadline) is March, however, programs close as they fill up and waiting until March could significantly decrease the programs that are still available.

Is it necessary to open a bank account with the institutions that Immiland has alliances with?

No, it is not necessary, however we recommend doing so because of the previous experience our clients have had.

As an international student, can you work in Canada without a work permit?

Yes, you must have a study permit and be enrolled full-time in an academic, professional or vocational training program at a DLI.

However, your study permit must clearly state that you have the ability to work off-campus. If so, you are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week while:
-Your program is in session, and
-Full-time during scheduled breaks in the academic calendar.

You may work for any employer in Canada that is not on the list of ineligible employers.

In addition, if your program has a mandatory work component for graduation you must have the appropriate work permit for your co-op.

In what format should I upload my documents for translation?

To ensure the best service, we recommend uploading your translations in Word or PDF format. You can convert your documents for free here and improve the accessibility of your files. Readable document quality is crucial to provide optimal service; make sure you have a high quality file for a smooth translation experience.

My visa has been approved, until when can I enter Canada?

Check the validity of your letter of introduction letter to the port of entry, this letter should have been issued by IRCC upon approval of your application. There is a box titled "Letter of Introduction Validity" on your port of entry (POE) letter. You must enter Canada before this date. If the validity date has passed and you do not travel to Canada, you must submit a new application. You cannot extend the validity date on your Letter.

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