I want to leave Canada. Let's give us time to experience it!

That running away is not the solution. But if we simply feel that this is not our place then let's not take this as torture either.

Let's always look for what makes us happy!

With love,



and I was crying as I walked on the

street with fingers cut off from the weight

because I remembered what I was living through

before and what was here living I

I said why am I here why am I still here

here because I'm still with my hands

here in Canada if I could be here in Canada if I could be here in Canada if I could be here in Canada if I could be here in Canada if I could be

in Venezuela in my own car living

a quieter life without this

need to be here paying

penance in Canada what I do here

a few days ago I read a comment in a video

on instagram that said and it left me very

sad the commentary read as follows

I traveled to Canada with my husband and my two children.

children And we have in canada 4 months and all

it has been very ugly and we are going to return

because we have regrets and I think that

one of the reasons why the

people arrive in Canada and return is

because or to any country in the world that

nothing else happens in Canada is because

we arrived in the country and thought that by art

of magic in the first 6 months in

Canada or 4 months or the first year our

life is going to be just as we dreamed it would be

that was or is going to be so perfect

as it was in our countries and everything will be

beautiful rainbow and colors for all

and the reality is that sadly

is not so, the reality is that the first

year of life in Canada or the first two

years or even the first three years

are quite difficult years in which

people have anxiety because today

today's social networks are showing us

the life that others live here and we

show the beautiful lives that others

and mentally we forget that we have been here and mentally

that those people who share their lives

in can can today have Canada already cu 5 6 8

10 years and that these people have spent

what you are going through today, and the

life Today looks pretty in quotation marks

because in social media you share more

the nice thing one never speaks the parts

life's ugliness, one shares the beautiful and the

one expects one's life to be like

of those content creators who

everything looks perfect has the job

dreamed lives in a beautiful house has

a good car children go to school

everyone speaks French and English no

the wonder And you think what you're going to do

the same and when one realizes that the

life is not being like this as one thinks

that he made a mistake and wants to leave here

I always see this as two points of

you can go to Canada and see

staying here is not like a competition

against pride or time is not like

a thing in which a torture or a plan

that you are paying penance

for something you are paying for in the

life not if the reality of Canada does not

likes to the point that his life is unhappy.

then go back to your country of origin.

origin because no one is obliged to

stay here but I want you to know one thing

the problem is not Canada because

The same thing can happen in France in

Spain or in Italy or England the

problem is that we are the ones who reach the

country and we make ourselves feel that everything is going

to be perfect and we force ourselves to

everything is perfect and we stop living the

experience of imigrating the experience of

take a book from scratch and write it to

our history because we are a country

with new opportunities with new opportunities with a

new life we have to give ourselves time

to live So you can

decide to come back or you can

Simply take time and say okay

The first few months will never be

easy but I'm staying here because

It is clear to me that my goal is to achieve

residency or citizenship I something

sieme that I recommend is as follows or

I imagine myself when I arrived at

Canada 10 years ago I remember I er

a little girl and I was very silly and I remember

that I was very much hit by something and it was

next me in Venezuela

I never used to ride public transportation.

Venezuela always rode in my car and

when I arrived in Canada I didn't have

I was riding public transportation and

I remember that I in Venezuela Look at the

level of ridiculousness because to me, this is a

I am ashamed to accept it in Venezuela

I remember I was in my car

and I saw the people in the street and I saw the people in the street

walking with grocery bags

and that the bags were seen to be heavy and

I said, "Oh, how hard, poor person

walking with that weight in hand what

must be ugly to walk around with so many in the

and that you feel that your hands are

they hurt I was stupid like that well no

stupid but I had a life

privileged and one cannot Why

complaining about it is part of who I was

and that's what makes me have here is where

I am and I Then I arrived in Canada and I

I didn't drive my own car, I drove my own car.

public transport and walked a lot

with the bags in my hand and they were cutting me

fingers and I was crying while

I walked in the street with my fingers

cut from the weight because I remembered

what I was living before and what I was living in

here living I was saying why I am

why am I still here because I am still here because I am still here

with their hands cut off here in Canada if

I wish I was in Venezuela on my own

trolley living a quieter life

without this need to be here paying

penance in Canada because it is no longer

walking with hands that hurt Es

it's cold it's snowy it's snowy it's

you walk on a little snow and you do not

knows what to do because he is also cold

in other words, there are 1 things that I was saying what I do

here in my case I had no other choice

because Venezuela was destroyed at the time of

point that I couldn't go back.

I had to stay here obliged I was

In other words, there was no other option.

Canada I could go to France but it was

as my pride against my mother One

ridicule of mine that I did not know how to

France I just listened to my mother I

I stay in Canada So I stayed in Canada

here in Canada because there was no other

option but I wanted to go all

days I would wake up and I would say that

I am 6 months old I am 8 months old I am one year old

here and I hate my life here and the struggle

constant with that life I didn't want

continue to live then if I had

I would have given up and let

that life I had would have won

none of this that I have today

there would have been nothing of and miland mis

children would not exist my husband would not

you would exist if you were not watching me

to me none of this would exist Perhaps my

life would be more beautiful more perfect less

perfect in another country but the life that

I have it today, I wouldn't trade it for anything

thank God I didn't allow Ed

10 years ago focus on this life

I was wearing at the time that the hands

sore from walking around with bags in his

hand and many other things worked on

very tough jobs with bosses who were

super bad But if I had allowed

that all this circumstance was earned by me

I would have left here if I had

another op I would have had no other choice

I would have left but I in my mind I

knew I could do any better I

I knew that I could have one more life

and that's what I want you to

know today And that is not to allow those

experiences of the first se o 4

months and it doesn't matter if the experience that

you have it is worth accepting it to me

I am sad to accept today that I

I was thinking about the plastic bags

I am embarrassed to accept it because it was

privileged in Venezuela, it is good to be

privileged it is good to have a life

it's nice to have had

because it is also well

and to accept that the reality of

life is different because, for example

in Venezuela was in my car mounted

and I see people walking on the street with

the bags but I lived in fear

my car arrived at my house and I was scared

that I was going to be robbed, I would get off the

carriage to open the gate while watching that it does not

was a motorcycle to rob me or

kidnap me or kill me I lived with

fear constantly in Canada walked

in the streets with the hands that

I was never afraid that something would weigh me down, but I was never afraid that something

I then preferred my

Canadian problem to the problem in

Venezuela and the same is what can

spend with us Then my advice

today is that even though his life today in Canada

even if you miss your

country because believe me, you are never going to

to stop missing his country his country will

you will miss every day of your life from

waking up until you go to bed

the mountains the food the arepa the

chicharrón the juice of lulo The juice of

parchita la patilla everything is going to

but if you let that

nostalgia will win you over you are going to be

sacrificing a much larger goal

but mentally and emotionally

familiarly you your life is a

disaster and you can't do it anymore first

obviously seek help because it's okay

and look for help that will help us to

someone who can guide us a guide a

psychologist something to help us do

therapy to improve this situation in the

that we are and if we see that we can't

out of there, it is better to accept that the

things did not work out take a pause and go

to their country of origin because, unlike

of the Ed 10 years ago in Venezuela

you have a country to which you

you can come back you can come back a

time to return to Canada take a break

and returning to the country is not torture

but my advice to Ho is that you should

try to get them to fight and not to throw the

empty Because the hands hurt

loading the bags Because if Eddie doesn't

I would have tried harder and would have charged

bags Well, nothing of my life Today

would exist then my advice is that No

let yourselves be carried away by your life today because

your life Today will not determine the life

you are going to have in 10 years and that of

10 years ago you made the right choice to stay

here bye

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