Am I being scammed to work in Canada? Companies that are in the business of scamming

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when you look for a job in Canada you always dream how to get the job offer and after you get the job offer you get the work permit immediately and in three days you are in Canada living this is the dream but in reality it does not work like that in fact in practice a work permit is very complicated, long and tedious to get but as we all want to make things easy and fast and apart from that on the internet there are hundreds of videos that sell in Canada as something that does not exist, this lends itself to scammers to take advantage of us and we can take advantage of them. to get but as we all want to make things easy and fast and apart from that on the internet there are hundreds of videos that sell in Canada as something that is something that does not exist as this lends itself to scammers take advantage and scam us in a simpler way when for example we see a video on YouTube of an account that has almost 800,000 followers of a woman in Canada who has a lot of reach and her videos say that at a click of the citizenship you speak Spanish Canada is looking for you the last of the year without age limit without English without proof of language they pay you transportation because it is very normal that those 800,I have a very interesting video on the subject that has become like a forum and I will show it to you but I want to evaluate together how to avoid scams Hello everyone My name is Eddie Ramirez I am a Canadian immigration lawyer and my job is to serve you in the process of applying for a temporary permit, permanent residency and citizenship. So let's start when you apply for a work permit in Canada it is very important to understand the process and what you have to do step by step to get to this country Let's start with the hiring process when you apply for a job in Canada do not expect the interview to be by Whatsapp or get the job offer by Facebook a job offer in Canada is very important to understand what you have to do step by step to get to this country. a job offer in Canada is achieved by applying through a recognized website such as indid Monster jobbank or linkedin you apply a job offer has a view not by WhatsApp not by call but in many cases by Google meets or zoom in which you a video call to see who is recruiting you that call can be with the human resources or with your direct boss can be a two or three calls by Google Drive up to by Google meets until you get the job offer once you get the job offer here V the process apply for the lmia and this is the first element that you have to take into account so you don't get scammed if the employer asks you quote unquote employer to pay for your lmia this is a scam because the Canadian government prohibits any Canadian employer from charging anyone for a process lmia so be very careful with this now. in addition to this when we apply for the visa you do have to pay the application fees for the work visa when you do not apply for this visa is not that I send the passport and tomorrow the employer appears with this paper that is here that says Canadian visa no this Canadian visa is delivered when your permit has been approved in Canada that is you have to travel to Canada and at the airport the officer delivers this paper that is here this paper does not appear Now you send a lot of documents fill out a lot of forms and apply the first step that happens here is that after you pay the application fees they are going to ask for your biometrics and these biometrics are done in a visa office which is an official office of Canada where you put your fingerprints and you can apply for a Canadian visa. fingerprints and a photo is taken if at this step if you don't have biometrics before you can't have a Canadian visa so biometrics are mandatory i in scammer can't lie about biometrics besides this you need in many cases to have a medical exam and the medical exams is done by a doctor recognized by Canada in your home country then if your visa is to you you are going to receive a request for passport forwarding if you are a country that doesn't have eta you are going to receive a request for passport forwarding if you are a country that doesn't have eta you are going to receive a request for passport forwarding if you are a country that doesn't have it you are going to receive a request for passport forwarding. If you are from a country that does not have an eta, they will ask you to send your passport so that they can stamp your visa. You send your passport and you return with the visa attached and after that you will receive the letter that I put here which is the letter that says that your permit has been initially approved and you travel to Canada with your passport and your job offer, that letter that is here, you hand it in and the officer will print this beautifully colored work permit.

conózcanos hace unos meses Comparto mi pantalla hice este video es un video muy chévere en el que básicamente digo empresa se dedica a estafar con visas de trabajo en ese momento me enfoqué en una empresa llamada construcci toront que estaba comprobado que pues una empresa estafadora mucho cuidado con con construcción Toronto well ahora bien algo que me encantó lo que pasó con este video es que se hizo como un blog como un foro en el que muchas personas comparten sus experiencias empresas que los han estafado y allí dicen como que cuidado con esto así me estafaron a mí y es como un sitio muy muy bueno de recursos les dejo el link del video abajo para que estén pendientes porque el video está super chévere y ahora algo muy importante es que yo he sido capaz de rescatar de este video empresas que también estafan y quiero que juntos la evaluemos y cuando las evaluemos voy a desenmascarar lasas y aparte de esto voy a darles a ustedes tips de Cómo darse cuenta si realmente esta empresa los está estafando si existe o no así que Comencemos la primera la más descalada Ari Quebec Ari Quebec como muchas otras utilizan mi información de imiland para estafar a personas cuando ustedes bajan a Ari Quebec en la parte de abajo ustedes van a conseguir que Ari Quebec dice que su dirección es evidentemente mi empresa en Canadá y miland de forma pública digo que no y miland no trabaja con Ari Quebec cualquier cosa que salga Aquí es una estafa Así que mucho cuidado lo que hace esta gente es que los enre a ustedes le dicen que tienen en Canadá les cobran para la oferta de empleo y los estaf ahora bien cómo uno se da cuenta que un sitio web realmente existe o no una forma que ustedes pueden utilizar es ir a la página que se llama a prop a propó o sobre nosotros o about us y aquí cuando ustedes entran a una página about us que es la página donde la persona la gente le dice a usted bueno es que este es el equipo detrás de la la de la página web ustedes se dan cuenta que no hay nadie son fotos de personas que no existen y hay unos que uno dice Ajá pero Quién es el dueño de esta empresa cuando uno ve que la compañía ni siquiera tiene una alguien allí ya usted sepa que lo están estafando ahora vamos a imaginar que esta gente de arbc se pone creativa y agarra ese sitio web y pone una foto mía Pero como ellos dicen que yo que son una empresa que trabaja con imiland Pues digamos que F una foto de Eddie Ramírez o cualquier consultor regulado deilan canada y ahí estoy yo paradita así sonriendo que me robaron mi foto Cómo sabemos si esa persona que está en ese sitio web realmente trabaja allí Bueno si el sitio web dice que esa persona es un abogado en inmigración canadiense o un consultor regulado hay un ente regulador que nos regula valga la redundancia en el que podemos corroborar si esa persona realmente trabaja allí en ar Quebec Cómo se llama esto Comencemos con el de los abogados aquí buen va a echar para atrás porque lo tenía ya abierto y vamos a ir al directorio de la l society of Ontario si dice que esa persona que trabaja allí es abogada en Ontario vayan al directorio de Ontario si dice que trabaja en manitoba vayan al los soci de manitoba porque cada provincia tiene como su propia orden de abogados yo esty en el Ontario entramos a Ontario y buscamos información de di Ramírez vamos aquí a di Ramírez dice que efectivamente edit Ramírez es abogada y que edit Ramírez trabaja en Im Milan lo professional corporate si yo veo que Ed Ramírez aparece en el sitio web de Pepito preguntón trajen ya yo sé que es una estafa porque es que edy nada más trabaja en esta compañía y Milan l professional Corporation ahora vamos a decir que el sitio web dice que la persona que trabaja allí o el consultor supuestamente es un consultor regulado hay una página web de immigración de El College de consultores de inmigración que se llama ccc le dejo los links abajo ahí ustedes van a entrar y van a entrar al directorio y van a ver la lista de consultores van a hacer lo mismo edy Ramírez buscan y aparece que Ed en efecto trabaja en Im Milan canada vamos a decir ahora Carolina que es otra persona que trabaja en Im Milan Carolina feik Carolina feik trabaja en iman canada vamos a colocar ahora etna Guerrero etna Guerrero trabaja en iman canada si yo ve una foto de Edna Guerrero o Carolina feic en una página que se llama trabaja encad ya hace automáticamente que es una estafa sepan dónde Buscar información para que no sean estafados Ya aquí es el primero el lco y el cic otra forma de saber que usted está siendo víctima de una estafa es por ejemplo Este es otro sitio web expans muy lindo el avioncito Canadá Qué lindo misma historia vamos aquí a la página en inicio no hay nada no hay ningún tipo de información en la compañía de hecho ni siquiera tiene dirección en Canadá no aparece ningún tipo de contacto el contacto es un formulario que usted llene le dicen que lo van que mañana se ha contratado una empresa luego vamos aquí el siguiente que es empleos y en empleos lo mismo recolectores Constitución auxiliares administrativos y ya estafa 100% estafa estafa estafa expans estafadores siguiente otro que es un estafadores rintex rintex también es un estafador entonces mucho cuidado porque esta empresa se dedica a estafar Okay ahora otra forma de darnos cuenta si es un estafador es que por ejemplo la el domain del correo cuando uno Envía un correo por internet digamos que los estafadores de ustedes son sofisticados y que ellos no contratan por WhatsApp porque el video de Ed Y saben que la gente ya está pendiente de WhatsApp bueno contactan y contactan por correo pero resulta que el correo termina en Gmail o en Hotmail o en yahooo estafa ninguna empresa real de reclutadores o de trabajo en Canadá o una empresa canadiense va a usar un correo Gmail mucho cuidado porque la mayoría de empresas que son Realmente que existen que son fundamentadas que tienen un sitio web real utilizan un email que es @ el nombre de la empresa Entonces por ejemplo en imiland somos info @im milanca comom si ustedes los contratan de trabaje en Canadá mañana hay menos de web pero el correo electrónico Debería ser @ trabajen employment in Canada that is a scam because if you are fan if they tell you five that doesn't seem like much and I charge $100 to 100,000 people how much I am making even if it is very little what it seems like they are charging you it is a scam Or if they are charging you 2000 or 5000 it is scam don't pay any application services to supposed things to anyone If an employer wants you to hire you they don't have to charge you a dime So be very careful about that the only thing you can pay are the visa fees And the only thing you can pay is the visa fees. be very careful with that the only thing you can pay is the visa fees And if you suspect that this offer is something that is illegal or does not exist or is fake you can pay it in the company to check it out For example in Li Milan we offer this service I put the link below for you to check it out the real offer there are other job offers that for example says government of Canada job offer scam the government of Canada never hires anyone or that the job offer comes with the visa approved this is false of all falsehood scam another thing you can do to check if the company Is really A scam is that they go here I share screen and go to search for fedal Corporation This is a website from Canada you put in Google and what I put to get it canadian Corporation Search you put it up here in Google search enter the first one and put the name of the company and it will come up if the company really exists or if the company really exists. But there are many companies in Canada registered that are scammers if you are a victim of scams either by a supposed phantom consultant or by a phantom lawyer or by a Canadian company I am going to put here the list of sites that you can use to report these scammers the most important thing here is to know the process is to understand that in Canada things are not easy is to stop believing this woman who says that in Canada everything is given away tomorrow that citizenship is delivered with a click and to understand that in Canada things are not easy. that in Canada things are not easy things have never been easy and that working in Canada is a process that requires time patience and that you have to know English and French at least to get hired please use this video as a forum for you to share your experiences of scams and the companies that you have been the ones that have tried this scam. that you have been tried to rip you off post them below write them down everything you want so that we can be a community of people that will unite against these people that are dedicated to rip off people like you that dream beautifully of traveling to Canada.

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