Engineers: Direct PERMANENT residence. STEM occupations. Canada

Suggested Language Scores for Express Entry


ILTS General Category

- Reading: 7 Pts
- Speaking: 7 Pts
- Listening: 8 Pts
- Writing 7: Pts


TEF - TCF Examination

- Reading: 207-323 Pts
- Speaking: 310-348 Pts
- Listening: 249-279 Pts
- Writing: 310-348 Pts

Important links:

The program:


Step by step:

Learn French with us:

With love,



architects engineers and professionals

in steam occupations you know that

have priority for the application of the

permanent residence for a plan

called Express entry and arrive in Canada

directly as permanent residents

without requiring study in Canada or

work in this country today I want to

tell you all about this process

so that even if they know it is not new already

about a year old, I feel it's a

mega mega good way for you to

directly to Canada as a result of the

permanent residents Hello everyone My

my name is Eddie Ramirez I am an attorney

Canadian immigration and I want to

explain to you the way to Express

entry into special categories to reach

to Canada as permanent residents

this pathway is a pathway that exists as

one year the Express ent existed for a long time

time but special categories

are new what is this good Express

entry is basically a system in which

that people all over the world for their

profile by their studies their age their level

can apply directly to

permanent residency and reach

Canada as permanent residents for

to understand me when I go to Canada

to study or work one fights 6

months 5 months 10 months one year 2 years 3

years to obtain residency

permanent since one arrives in Canada

as a temporary resident I study work

but when you get the residency

permanent direct one skips all that

process and lands in Canada as what it is today.

one as a student struggles for years with

for getting for example my husband

Nicolás It took him 7 years to obtain the

canadian permanent residency you

if those are the things that I am going to tell you in

this video can land in Canada

as permanent residents without having

waited in Canada for as long as

my husband Nicolás let us not be like Nicolás

now I am going to explain to you several

points and I want to start so that

understand the occupations that fall under

this special category and then the

application requirements Let's get started

with occupations entering first

I start with the most important thing, which is that

the special categories of the Express

entry There are six of you know one thing if you

are not in these six categories equally

can apply, they only have to

know that they do not have as a category

VIP to be selected these

categories are categories in the

health health professionals medicine

veterinary ophthalmologists I will

make a video for you too

French speakers another video

for those who speak French because here

in all professions as well

categories of people with steam

occupation who are the engineers

technologists and mathematicians AND sciences

also those who are people with

experience and work and studies in the

part of agriculture transport and

trades such as carpenters, bricklayers and

other areas, today I will focus on that of the

steam occupations and then I will do others

videos focused on the different types of

categories Let's start first of all

to understand which professionals

stem occupations are covered by this

world or in this room here if you enter if you

is within these careers.

happy to qualify for this option

architects architecture managers AND

system sciences

business civil engineers

information systems managers and

information computer engineers

except software engineers and

designers, developers and

system programmers

computer specialists in


data scientist data base analyst

data managers

electrical engineers and

electronic engineering managers

industrial and manufacturing engineers

specialists in

information eh the

minor landscape architects

statistical mathematicians and actuaries

metallurgical and materials engineers

consulting researchers and

science program officers

of the of on science policies

software engineers and developers

urban and land use planners

web developers floor

web developers and programmers Thus

that if you are among these lists

happy What does this mean?

to say that when I want to

let's imagine Express entry as a

large pool of

people all of whom I am a lawyer I

you can Express entry a physicist

chemical can be applied by a teacher

an engineer can also apply can also apply an engineer can also apply an engineer can also apply an engineer can also apply an engineer can also apply

we all apply we are in that

pool but the government is going to have

residency selection rounds

and those rounds of invitations

is going to prioritize certain areas with

lower points to give you an example

as a lawyer without speaking French, I must

to get at least 500 points

in order to be invited to the residency

permanent since I don't have any

special profession, nor to the

French to enter by category

French I mean, I am not an engineer or

French, it's my turn to work harder

to earn more points but you

engineers or steam occupations have

a special category that will be given to

you more of a VIP aspect to

points for the

residence Then my example I

I require 500 points for being an attorney en

an example but you will require

minus points 430 450 460 Here I put

points the last invitations to

steam occupations so that they can

compare how much steam requires

occupation versus what it requires

someone with a regular profile such as

of mine as a lawyer for example now what

you need to know about this option

basically to be able to apply for this

via the requirements you need

are are first and foremost obviously

studies in the area I have just described

mention these studies have to be

check with Canada with an element

called eca educational credential

assessment there are several institutions that

I recommend it to you

evaluate in the list that I place here

below are the links to the institutions that

are and choose the one you like the most.

but deca is important since

is not that the diploma that you

has at home to demonstrate studies

in Canada not to be able to demonstrate the

studies, it is essential to make

the eca something very important that I forgot

to mention the studies is that we say

who is doing a master's degree please

eca are going to make it from the level of studies

Higher than you have if you have

master's degree take out The master's degree linked to

what I just mentioned please

second important piece of evidence of

work experience you have

to demonstrate that in the last 5 years

of their lives have had at least 12

months of professional experience in the

rubo I just mentioned those 12

months of experience minimum if they have

More Much better they can be checked with

letters of employment letters

employer a contract evidence of Pay

stops etc. then we have studies

following work experience

mega element

language is important to be able to apply

by the Express entry is so much that

you focus on achieving the

highest possible score, e.g. the

English can be displayed with

three exams general ilts not the

general scholar celpip and peon el

most common in Latin America is the

ilts please try to get a clb out of me

9 in the ilts at least Here I place you

What is the equivalent of a clb 9 in the ilt is for

other English side if you want

to have more possibilities and higher scores

to obtain permanent residency

of this moment it is super-important that

you try to take classes in

French because French gives points

extra in the profile and apart from giving

extra points also has a category

special which is that of the French-speaking

this means that if you are

engineers or architects and are within

list of steam professionals and

besides you speak French are going to

have two special categories for

to obtain permanent residency.

there are two shots you can have Y

there is obviously a greater chance of

to obtain residency through this route on

French that requires French at the level of

b2 and here are the scores that

have to take the tef exam

tef French It is very important, believe me.

and trust me here's a parenthesis

great and it is that you use can say

but it's not Ed I don't want the

French because I'm not going to go in the

province of

Quebec What happens is that the Express

entry applies throughout Canada except in

Quebec When you profile

Express entry can be placed as desired

live in any part of the country but

if you place what you want to live in

the province of Quebec you are

ineligible for Express entry therefore

know that when you choose Express

entry cannot reach the province of

Quebec and in Quebec There is a special plan

which is called rhyme which is another story

Then you

we have studies with the experience of

work We also have English

French and finally you must have

financial solvency please

financial solvency I place them for

here to see the tables

depending on each person applying

will require more funds

important does not mean that these

funds have to be paid by you to

Canada for nothing they do not have to pay

Canada this money this from Canada wants

see that you in your bank account

has the funds to support itself

in Canada because I remember from the Express

entry you do not arrive in Canada as

temporary resident attached to a chief or

to a university You arrive in Canada

As if it were your home, it's like I

say today Ah I'm going to move to I don't know where

romania and in romania I will arrive like

permanent resident and that's almost

i am a citizen of romania it is very

different I arrived as a resident already

to get there as a student

or working job if you travel to

Canada as this as a resident

permanent You do not have in Canada

no inflow of money for the

Canada wants to know that you have

funds to at least reach Canada

rent a house or an apartment pay

the subway have food and seek employment in

Canada the benefit of this option is

Obviously I just mentioned You

comes to Canada to do what you do

you can study by paying as

Canadian can work where you

want to work, you can make your own

company to set up its own company does not

work walk do what you do

want There is a very important factor here

And if you are married or in a marriage, you will be able to

concubinage your partner Applies with you and

please when applying with the

the partner has to have a profile

as good as one is For example, if

I am married to Pedro and Pedro is not

has an advanced level of English

to take points away from me so that

work is in couple Pedro mi mi

husband needs to have a level of

English as good as mine or a

French intermediate so that the points

Pedro's do not affect my profile now How

can we help you in all this

process first point you have to

to keep track of your score if your

score is not sufficient to award the

Express entry to work on improving their

level of English or your level of French

play with the points to see how much

have to take out in English or in

French to raise the score that

you have in general other than this

I'm going to leave you the link below the

calculator the points and also of the

do draws or invitations

apply for permanent residency

for Canada's scores to have

the last few months and also if

you would like a consultant or I would like to

sit down with you to view your profiles

see your score see what we can do that

we can change and make a line of

time to apply for this option

I will gladly leave you the link to

our inquiries as well as you

have realized the English and

French are super important for this

process at emil we have a school of

languages called planet and Milan

education in which we focus on

teach you English and French

focused on these migratory pathways that

whether studies, work or Express entry in

Canada so I leave to you the

language school link below for

that they can get in there and check

our courses our prices and

decide whether it is in their best interest to take them.

I hope you find this option useful for

please be encouraged to apply because it is a lot

cheaper than studies that do not require

a boss to sponsor them for the

close work permit and arrive in Canada as

permanent residents many people

every two TR months they receive their invitation

to apply and I am very happy to see that

every time this happens more and more of

our customers get the

permanent residence and even persons

on instagram tells me Ed got it

thank you for your support Because I saw your

videos I understood and listened to you so

please stay tuned and follow me on

instagram because that's where I share

always the most up-to-date information about the

runs of invitation and of all things

that happen in immigration so many because

is a lot of changes every day Les

I send a big kiss to all of you who are

well bye bye

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