Jobs in Canada YES THERE ARE jobs - carpenters, mechanics and chefs
Here is the link for you to apply properly:
I hope this video and these offers will bring you closer to your immigration goal this 2024.
With love,
Hello Hello Very good morning to all
Welcome to a new video Welcome
to my channel as you know my name
is Ed Ramirez and I'm here to help you.
to come to Canada for a legal life
as everyone wants to be
traveling to Canada to work is the dream
i.e. an employer hires my
country of origin Me Do a job offer
I apply for a work permit without
to demonstrate financial solvency and
I am leaving for Canada With permission from
I work and I can help my family
with me my partner with a work permit
open and my children as students is a
suo verdad sounds very precious all the
world wants this but everyone
says Where do I get the job offer
well, we got an employer
Canadian hiring foreigners and we are
is giving good are several employers
and is looking for four
work basically that they are different
charges What are these good charges?
automotive mechanic truck mechanic
chef and also carpenters these four
jobs I am going to tell you about
where to apply at the end of the video but
before the end of the video I want you to
listen very carefully to what I am about to tell you
in the last jobs or positions that
we have achieved we have realized
of several phenomena, the first of which is
They send their CVs poorly done, they send a
CV in Spanish send a CV that is therefore a
CV that has nothing to do with what you have
we are applying e.g. We are
looking for a baker and someone applies
that paints walls are civs that do not have
relation to the tax that we are
looking apart from this there are civs that are
We are looking for a baker
but applies a baker but does not explain
What functions did you perform in your job?
then they are as if V that do not explain
nothing is in Spanish or in its absence
listen carefully they are translated into
English with Google Translator Then
what do they do they go to Google they put their CV and
let's say my name is Eddie ríos and I'm
I put in Google Translate Eddie rivers and
Google Translate puts me on Eddie rivers
then we receive documents we receive documents we receive documents we receive documents we receive documents we receive documents we receive documents we receive documents we receive documents
curricula with things like that for
example Maria houses Maria houses because
Google Translate then translates everything
please make your CV in English and well
and the second phenomenon that we have
seen is that people send him a
Well-done CVs arrive at the interview in
employment and what they said the civ is
lie is to say when they say they know
for example, welding in a certain way and the
employer asks you a very important question
of this way of soldering the
person realizes that he does not know how to weld
in that way. That is, the person lied.
in his civ very bad and the third phenomenon
we have seen is that they say they talk
English at an advanced intermediate level or
a good level and arrive at the interview and
they remain silent they do not know how to speak
English do not know how to speak French i.e.
lie about the language, so for the sake of
favor due to these three errors that
we have seen or phenomena I want to do
this video and before I tell you How to
apply to offers I mean how
you are going to make a CV and how it will be
are going to prepare the first thing they have to
The curriculum is in English and is in
is Canadian style a Canadian style curriculum
Canadian I have many videos I leave you
the links below is a resume of a
single sheet maximum two but everything is with
that I gave you on the first sheet not
starts with education starts with
work experience no photo of
you do not have your age or your identity card.
identity and home address
Simply your first and last name your
email your link to your profile
of linkedin and a short introduction
about who you are on the part of
the work experience is very
Important Please write well
your work experience For example, if
I have worked in imiland for the last 5 years.
years of my life and I have experience
in content creation I have
experience also in personal managing
I have experience in accounting I have
experience of everything as I explain
Point by point the experience that I have
I have had in my job Why Because the
interviewer needs to see your CV and see
that you know how to do what the employer
is looking for so I recommend
another tip is to adapt your
curriculum to the position they are applying for
by applying at Im mila we offer a
CV creation service in which you will
we provide you with a perfect CV
fact of this the Canadian left him the
link below but even with that CV
perfectly done you sometimes
have to modify it to adapt it to the
position to which they are applying in
another important point that
I would like to recommend that you do not place
all the information on all your
previous studies no further information
about the relevant studies with their
work and educational background and, for example
if I have a cooking course but
apart from that I have a welding course
and I am applying for a job in
Canada welder's Canada does not make sense that
enter information about me
Cos money course because I am in Canada
as a welder So education
related only to what I am going to
Canada do and the same experience
if they apply as welders do not apply as welders do not apply as welders do not apply as welders do not apply as welders do not apply
put experience as a baker
because this CV does not make sense for
favor well supported in terms of the
language if you speak basic English
be honest and place basic English if
your English is intermediate place intermediate if
has any certificate to the or what
is the score obtained AND if
you do not speak english, tell us why
Because it is too sad to get
people who have an excellent profile
for the job but when
the interview arrives they do not speak the language
why because they will lose the
employer is not going to give them a chance.
and you are going to close your
door in the face maybe you can't
apply now, but if you take a course of
intensive English or intensive French
at the end of 3 cu months you will be able to apply
to the job offer Then please
wait for it Another important aspect
is that you have to prepare
for the job interview have to
know the vocabulary to have the Calm and
know how to answer the questions I have
videos about it please go to
see them because there is superb information
good, and as for the language, make courses
duolingo free courses are looking for a
Canadian boyfriend or some gringo but not
go to the interview without knowing
English please or take a course with
Planet Milan education we have
intensive English and French classes
to reach their level of development.
languages Another important aspect that
I want us to play today is for you to meet
a little bit about the law Although Im
miland is representing the
employers it is important for you to know
the process to be followed Because if the
interview The recruiter makes you a
question in this regard you have to
to know what is the migratory part of the
will bring to Canada ent please
Eddie Eddie, let's get down to business
after I scold them a little bit
Let's talk about where
we apply for these job offers are going to
to go to Google on your computer and go to
go and write Milan
and they're going to get this little doll that
is here that says recruitment is going to
click on that little box and you will see the
part that says candidates or candidates
go in there and you are going to go to where it says
job board click on job board
employment and there they will see all the
jobs that are available
now if you are watching this video by
curiosity and I am not promoting the
other jobs, but I am
focusing on mechanical carpenters of
automobile mechanics, truck mechanics and chef
but you see your job
here you can also upload your cb that matches with
the position we are looking for because
that we are always sending you
to employers we get over there
cvis and if any of you
get this interviewee better points
important first do not have to pay
for sending your CV is free of charge if Milan le
Get you a connection to a
employer and Milan does not charge you
by the connection with the boss for that
that the recruitment process does not have
you to pay anyone care
when you do that because there
there are scams and scam people
much at this point So it's free
secondly the fact that you upload your CV
there authorizes yilan to share his cb
with other employers so that they know and
third point, the fact that it raises its
civit to that website does not mean
that Im Milan guarantees you
getting you a job is simply a
opportunity is not an obligation Ah other
important point Please please please please please
please check your e-mails at all times
spam and be sure that the mail you
are using either an email
professional i.e. try to create a
mail other than the mail that you
have for their Netflix subscriptions the
gymnasium to pay for electricity and telephone
why Because so many emails arrive from
garbage that one loses the mails
I recommend that you Create a
mail that is Eddie Ramirez a serious thing well done and
that this is the mail that uses nothing
more to apply for jobs in this way
if you see an email arriving at that
mailing know that it is an opportunity to
employment and are always reviewing
listen to my advice go and see my
videos I have many videos about
cbs practice for the interview and
when they are sure that they comply with the
profile we are looking for make your CV
well done in Word format, not PDF, and
are going to set up on the website that Les
I just said I wish you the best of luck in
their process to get the offer of
employment and the interview And if Milan can
to serve you throughout this process
I will be more than happy bye bye bye that
is very well