Emigrate to Canada: Study English and #French?

In this video I explain in a personal and general way how or how important it is to speak #English or #French when we decide to start a migration process to #Canada.

For more information about our language schools,

please send a mail to my e-mail: info@immilandcanada.com

Where to pass the #IELTS test?


hello good very good afternoon to all my

name is ilich ramirez de medio a mi

channel again if you are new and do not know

who i am i am constitute immigration

Canadian member to the website when

allows to represent any person

who wants to travel to canada season

permanently, therefore they can

100% of your entire process of

to the end until it reaches this

country if you want it to go to your

miniature addresses that you have can

send an email to the address that

appears below to tell you about

general way

what are the migratory options that

you can take into consideration if you want to

as strike the mandatory after

this so a consultation with me more

personalized via skype

you can proceed to schedule the first

part of this process that the

the second evaluation is free of charge

skype consultation was going to have a cost

and I give you this information when

send me this email

today I took the performance

I made this video because I received a lot of

asked about it and also

I want to share my personal experience

and explain to them what the experience is like

personal or what I experienced has made me

allowed to achieve many things in canada

and that is for us directly to him

language I want to study or know

english or french to measure canada in

this video [ __ ] with this question went

to begin by explaining the is my own

life experience when I said that

nothing six months ago i there is no forgiveness

six years ago six years ago

i didn't english i used to swear jordan

english today in 6 ie6 speak in which

I would put canada on the first day of school.

to my six-month English course and

super-intensive from nine to four all

the days

and I realized that I was not English and that I was not

nothing came out in the test, so it was not

so much so that I had to start studying English

at the basic basic intermediate level

I studied English for six months and

finish my six months of English

I was English and high enough

to apply to the university to make my

national business love and

be able to stay as a permanent resident

of scott was to mention basic

several things the first thing that is going to

explain is how you achieved in English in

six months and learn English in six months

months because many people tell me that it is

extremely fast seems normal to me

but I succeeded because my approach was

i came to canada to learn english i did not

I have to speak Spanish because of the

so much my first months in canada I

avoid at all costs having loaded friends

of Spanish then my whole group of

friends were European or Asian and therefore

both the only language they had common

English and we are all obliged to

communicate in English and so we are

forced to learn the language

after this when I of my level

English enough I had my years and can

apply the university's univer

who have classes in English and say

and accepted, but my master's degree in English in

international law now that it is

it follows from these things that

free estimate tomé is cultured

now what is it that I can wear this

who has just explained something very

important is that if I had not

English I would never have been able to

university ever apply the university on that

my master's degree and I have never

wake up in canada then first

he asks and if I want to be in

canada a university a college I have

what to give English if you need to speak English

or french and montreal vacations in

quebec if not English none

university no school admits

because there are no universities or which ones

teach masters college or career

university in Spanish then he for

study in canada at a university or

master or a deck or a little deck I got them

to give English or French

if i can learn english in canada before

to apply to college yes because

was what I experienced when I studied English.

here for six months and then allowed to the

university to study in the career

university that allowed me to stay

now according to the question I took the part

educational because I just gave me the

university in venezuela- lawyer and

had a lot of experience to apply to

an expression girls

then I hope that people who tell me

also many who have profiles

impressive careers with

very very good now but not the

English or French perhaps these people

are excellent candidates to achieve

a job offer in canada but

trans people who want to work in

canada it is very very very very likely that its

Canadian people ask that you

speak English is common sense

if you are going to send applications by

internet and consigned job interview

via skype as you will be able to

communicate with that future boss in a

language other than English or French

then for professionals looking for

job offers in canada from

outside canada you have to

know English to be able to communicate with

your boss and convince him or her that you

deserve this position

now if you're going to tell me there's a company

English because it tells me that

I have with English

christ of the passion if you had canada

to work 12 months in Spanish because the

company needed every Spaniard and

for it gets you perfect and your plan

is to learn is to have that experience of

12 months 24 months and return to your country of origin

origin cheverísimo dale dale dale with everything

because you will be able to do it but if you

plan is after working in canada

apply for permanent residency by

a program in the canadian experience

how they are going to be English sine for

to be able to apply for permanent residency

in the second step canada will ask you for

who is now English and proves it with

a test years then English is

for the job may not be necessary

to get a job and get the

visa and I get a super special job

in Spanish

but still when you go

to look at permanent residency you are going to

a giant wall because in order to

to be able to apply for permanent residency

you must speak perfect English

third case the I that will indicate to the

present with an excellent profile

have master's degree phd are young have

work experience but not the church

the reminder that in order to be able to apply it

between the sine qua non requirement

so that you can't use the

English-speaking customers must be able to

to have that at 1000 is demonstrable with

farewell examination

if you have not passed a self-examination for years or

you can even apply because it is not

selectable to apply an express


then requirement number 1 álex

present know English if they do not know English

you have to learn it in order to polish your

profile and thus be able to apply for the express

among other well-known options such as

atlantis for the program in the

program quantity told them that this way the

atlante is in the reading the ask them for a

English proficiency

a maximum educational level high school

same immigration program to ask them to

you to do in English and the rites

demonstrate with an air test

then just demonstrate and talk

different migratory processes that

has language test

now let's say you are getting a

program a sensational work that

are people who can go to canada in

spring has sown to harvest fruits

that is this system is very well known

in canada

do not have every Englishman evidently not

have an English portal for any of

spanish because because canada allows

your status in Spanish

nole in English because these jobs

manuals per session is unique and

exclusively require the person

to come to canada to pick fruit

speaks Spanish and returns to his country of origin.

origin of this type of program is not a

will take the immigrant to any

program that can enable them to take the

future permanent residence

then if they had canada as

worker repeats again I love me

be very clear well in canada as the


and it is the experience that you will

getting in canada is not going to give you

permanent residence in the future was the

capacity than a permanent residence

it is ok not to speak spanish that is not

english sorry but if you come canada

to seek work experience that will help you

to give permanent residence in the future as follows

the entry work is in Spanish

when you want to apply to the

future residence that you have to

speak English then in the long run the

English is always required from the point of

immigration view some criminal programs

higher or your English lower but at the

always asks in English for every

university has its own system of

points to know the rituals

admissions so that you can

apply to the university in the event that

give as students

on the other hand canada the mind

immigration to you will not be

thinking time nor life divided not

knows process application process

application you do not look well in canada

whether you are studying

working picking up dads working

a company and the university

alcohols in any case taste come

in canada in canada english is spoken o

French then my question

if you are as technical as the Spanish and with the

English but for Spanish in their work

very good well but you get a

wonderful but good job you

leaves work and goes home, and

want to ask in a supermarket

where is the news war is the jam by

example I had a horrible experience

with the jump that you leave because you do not

I knew how this one said jam and

sent to buy ham and then

asked again maradona buy as

a fruit outlet because I didn't know

communicate so happened with market or beech

a jauli restaurant going to order from

soccer by if you get it aire win

doctor's tribute and where is training

former author's customers warned voucher in

canada is english or french spoken in

thatbec and you have to adapt to the

canadian system and canada always

seeks to ensure that people who look at this

country to adapt to the country's culture

therefore you will always be

required to learn the language and the

English and French will exist

i learned english and french in canada at the

English exterior has gone from analysis is

as is prospecto with hans stacey consta

that change and carry that little bagua step

mont managements but there is no longer any left

babies juan de pablos cancers to the already

les cante

and I did all of this here in Canada to

how long does it take in English to

memory six months was extremely

French quickly and it took me a little bit of time

more because I started studying at the

university because a lot in French

while written it is not as good as it

I speak French classes are quite

complicated the spoken French is not

so hard to hear either

but it is possible to make more canada if

you focus 100% on the

language inversion if you enter

sample to avoid me advising me on my

I find it difficult to study the language in

my country or abroad my advice is

will always be that you study it in the

foreign because because we don't love each other

most wonderful experiences I have had in canada

while language extraction is that

school life experience all the

days you meet people all over the world

because he had to be surrounded by people from

everyone learning the same thing as

you are going to open your mentality to a new

impressive culture you will learn from

many people who are doing the same

that you are going to have friends scattered all over

everyone I travel to europe ago

a few months a few years and visited

tommy friend all over europe and power there are

many, many places and these people showed me

country your country is a way

wonderful and this can never be achieved

if not studied with them languages

on the other hand learn english in canada

allowed him to open the doors of the

educational viewpoint, and now I'm going to

where I can go with three languages


French there is a little bit of Galliano that

there are

and on the other hand it allows me from the most

my whole life supposedly and

good english classes in venezuela los angeles

Saturdays at the university

uned the university my city

learn english every saturday never

I learned I thought that speaking English and

I never did it and in canada in six months

it was impressive how quickly I learned

and a paper to all my

customers he earns I earn languages

because it is not economical at all it is expensive

in cooperation with other countries in more

with the cheapest and most economical

compare in canada but same costs

investment but this is the time and the

money and the decision to study languages

I highly recommend that you do so.

study in canada

I work with different institutes that

have schools across Canada as well

in the united states and australia yes

you have theory do more in the

foreigner and is interested in receiving

for a quotation you can send an email to

adsl below request the

language quotes to come to

carnival in english at the gates of everything

the world and you to send to canada

the answer is if you need

speak English or French can

learn it outside of canada or they can

learn it in canada but at the beginning or

output you will need to know

English and be able to communicate and have

passed your exam now what type of

test that you have to pass on

stripes in general for the point of

migratory view air general

for the school point of view of


the air is academic the tofu is not the

requirement in canada for immigration

immigration is handled with the year ok

and that was all for today I

I hope I have been helpful.

clarified a little bit for everyone in terms of the

english please it's canada it's not so

easy is not that I like the level of

spanish he loved it and canada

you would pay for that to little extent are going to

taste unlearning assistant is free

for you can make your programs

languages have to learn have to learn have to learn have to learn

to go to the can learn the here if

want to do it in canada or if you are

medial have to know the languages other

thing and a huge clarification when it is

a basket of languages cannot

work please remember this not to

no one can work no one can work

as long as this language in canada nor the

student and partner the student by

please remember two is always illegal

that with you read canals in languages

can work here please remember

it does not matter that the friend that such a person

you told him this I know the law that a

I'm not telling anyone or saying it to

canada to study languages neither you nor your

family can work no one will allow me to work

the job is with you enter a

college a university to study the

coelho's career the career university

you can work if your course

languages I have taught at the University of

toronto still cannot study because

you are studying you cannot work

because you are studying languages

but of course all apply better

wishes and hope to see you very soon yes

have information that was worth their profile

you can send an e-mail to

the edition below is

very well done, nice to see you


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