In this tip I will tell you a little about a strategy that will allow you to be much more attractive to Canadian employers.
This dynamic will allow them to improve their CV and increase their chances of working in Canada.
day 5 of 30 tips to reach
Canada in 2023 to work as
freelance online thanks to
technology is now much easier
work from anywhere in the world
and this can be a giant benefit
for our migration process
Obviously, I would like to say this
video is not going to focus on working
Online for companies in Canada but also for
work online for companies in
anywhere in the world and I'll let you know
because this is so beneficial My name
is Eric Ramirez I am a regulatory consultant.
Canadian government and my work
to help you get to the next level.
Canada through the migration route as follows
legal as it should be
today it is very easy to work for
any company in any part of the world.
world with a computer and wi-fi and this
can be used in our process
to get to Canada, and we were
can benefit me in some ways.
I have here the list of benefits that I
I see that they are positive and also companies
who are hiring online
for you to achieve your goal to travel
for Canada but Eddy How can I
help me work for the company
who is not in Canada without a job for
the online company I tell you why
often the foreign companies
that we work online pay
better than companies in our own
countries know that any process of
Canadian migration is linked to and
requires a financial solvency of
either to study a certain way or to study a
Canada to work and buy tickets
for the former president requires a
financial solvency must always be
spend money and in many cases
getting these funds is difficult for us
with the economy of our countries by
that Search for jobs in companies
foreigners can be positive because
salaries are much higher and pay
in dollars Obviously the negative side
is that perhaps the benefits of
social security, among other things, does not
are fulfilled by puse working as
employee but as a self-employed person
called freelancer but from the point
financially speaking, you can receive
many benefits in a cost-effective way by
to work for a company that also pays
in dollars then saving is much more
simple to operate a company
foreign online form second reason
by working online is very good for
its process with Canada and this is
fundamental will win will win will win
experience in recognized companies
internationally when you apply
a visa to a permit when you
apply for a job offer Forgiveness in
your application on your TV you will be able to
mention that you have experience
working for other companies
international and when the employer
Canadian company names are seen in
the foreigner will say Wow this
person has a very good civilian because
has a job or experience in
companies recognized for what they earn
experience in international companies
will help you in your search for
job if you wish to work in
third benefit creating good connections
look sometimes there are people who manage to
in Canada in many cases obviously
work in Canada without knowing anyone in
this country is not required to have
connections Not required
I promise because I have seen him in people
who have never set foot in Canada does not cause
people in Canada and get jobs
in this country but when you have
connections that can introduce you to
someone and someone and someone and someone and
get a company and I don't know what one is going to
generating that thread of connections that
perhaps without realizing it, they are going to bring it to
work for a Canadian company Then
that link that you are going to generate with
your employer or with your colleagues will
help you generate the path that will
to bring it to Canada without a doubt and in
the time to look for a job in Canada
collections can be of a very high quality.
next benefit and this is
impressive to practice to one million per
English in many of these countries.
online jobs, many of them are
required that you speak an intermission
advanced and perhaps some allow you a
basic English level and you while
will be working to achieve a better
better language level the fact that
practice the language all day long with a
English-speaking company or
French will benefit you to
polish your language and when you apply for the
an offer of employment with Canada in a
Canadian employer your level of English
both spoken and written is very much
better than the one you have today
and this will polish your civilian without a doubt.
next point that for me is
is beneficial is to adapt to an environment
very different from the one in which we work.
of us and multicultural know that the
employee of the international company
the pace of work can be much more
we can work longer hours can be
be a much more organized system
or much more demanding and apart we are going to
working with people perhaps from all over the world.
world and that is going to open our minds
culturally in a way that does not have
price nor can it be measured by what
working in this way online can be
change their perspective of the world in a
impressive shape now
Eddy Where do I get the job online
I want to try it I would like to work
as a freelancer Online to view these
benefits you mentioned Well I
I searched the internet and got some
I will read them directly to you
that are hiring online at
and has many offers of
employment and are as follows there are many
more cle
against Toc told
gorilla test helpescout zapier and hay
many many more believe me there are
how I got them I placed at
companys hyrusely
click enter and all the
links where I can search for offers
enter and get all this offers the
offers in what line of business are
job offers
many in the information technology part of the
technology part
in the software engine computer part
Many people in Haiti also
there are many for translators for
personal assistants for designers
graphics there are many job offers
online there are also many offers of
as proofreaders and
Publishers as social media managers and
as Community managers There are many
other areas that you can work on
and can serve a wide range of
company abroad repeat companys
Obviously, many of these companies
language is important, so your
English is to be evaluated when a
interview and have to apply with a
very good CV, I invite you to see my
previous videos where he talks about
how to make a good civil because the civil
is very similar to the CDs that
other companies in other countries are
looking for short, concise and well
facts see job offers
and perhaps this tip can be applied and perhaps this tip can
closer to their dream of traveling to
channel 2023 I hope this video has
and we are very pleased to have been able to
see you tomorrow in a new video on that
same channel bye bye bye