I'm sure you didn't expect this advice! It is very important to follow the indications that I present here.

Obviously conditions apply, such as recent graduates, it is normal for them to lack experience.


video 430 tips for arriving in Canada

in 2023 to gain work experience

have wondered what lack of intake in

the migration office counts when

I approve refuse a visa good the

work experience in the last 10 years

years of his life played a crucial role in

the application process warns of tourism

work and study in this video

I tell them what they have to do my

my name is Eddy Ramirez and I am a consultant of

government's regulatory immigration

Canadian and my job is to help them

you to arrive in Canada through the

legal way as it has to be today we are going to

to talk about a very important element of the

important when applying for a visa of

I work I study tourism even when

one applies for the visa there is a part in the

main application form the

form in which a human

documents and apply the visa in which

the government or the agent is going to look for

information about what one has

experience of working in their

last 10 years Obviously if you

just graduated from High School

School or college and has very little

experience because it does not have to have 10

years of experience, of course, but the

officer is going to see how many years of

experience do you have in your industry or in

and if the rise in the price of the product was

employment is stable in their country of origin

what good is this if it is by the way the

work to define whether you have the

experience required to work in

the position you are going to Canada to work in

because you get a job offer

So the officer is going to see Ok this

person Mira Canada to work as a

counter is that in the past worked

and is going to review that part

also for example will say to javina

chain to work as a bricklayer but here

states to me that he has worked as a

counter does not add up for me then that part

is important for the work visa

also by way of studies the part of the

of declaring work experience

is important because the officer

will find out whether the experience that

you have in the last 10 years

is linked to the work that you

comes to Canada to do then

if for example in my last 10 years I

I have been an accountant but I am going to Canada to

study to become a chef The officer is going to

say aha How is this person going to tell me

who comes to Canada to study in order to do

chef if your previous experience has always

So how does that

person is going to get a job either in

Canada or in your home country if you have never

has worked as an important chef and for the

tourism route It is also important to

but when you apply for a

tourist it is important to demonstrate to the

official that one is rooted in the country of

origin and this rootedness can be shown

always with work experience Then

what is important here What is important is

first of all to avoid 100% being

unemployed when applying for a visa

There are people who say no, I don't

I'm going to Canada I'm going to focus on

study English I focus on the

language and I am going to quit my job

because I want to focus on Canada that

is a deadly mistake is not recommended

ever in life that someone before

request work study waives your

work they cannot resign they have to

to be working steadily is also not

it is advisable to apply for a visa when

you have just started a job

new obviously there are exceptions here

for example, I have worked in my company

in this company for 10 years and now I want to

travel to Canada but in the interim

get a new job Ok We can

wait and work there for six months

after those six months and apply to

Canadian work visa but it is

important when applying for the Visa

have a clean work history and

for at least 12 months to be seen

stable obviously The longer

and we have been working in the company and we have

grown up in the in our

work better for the application

that part of the form that does not write

the company in which the city worked

start date termination date and position

But also when applying for a visa

you have to send documents that

support this work experience

attached in the application Then

you have to look for

focusing on whether you are

employees have to ask their

employer Proof of employment


employment contract that shows that a

existing relationship payment of taxes that

is attached to the application in addition to

If you are not an employee but the

self-employed I recommend you to see my

video of day 7 in Today is the 4th in 3 days

a very good video comes out in which I'm going to

tell them to corroborate me that it is on day 7

I don't want to make a mistake

Today is day 4 if the video is on day 7

the video of day 7 is going to tell you that it is

important to register your company Then

you work as workers

freelancers I recommend you watch the video of the

day 7 in 3 days to come so that you know

what am I talking about because Hermosa

experience Even as an owner of

companies and has its certain

items of interest Then please

avoid being unemployed And if by

example, let's say you pass me very

followed by people who have dedicated themselves to

to the home wife or husband who decided to

stop working and dedicate themselves to the


I this reason for rejection I hate her with

all my fiber and with all my being because

is not fair but I have seen reasons for

rejection in which he loves the most that have been

dedicated for the last ten years to

to devote themselves to the home and their children to

They are denied a Visa because the

official says Ah is not that it lacks

experience in recent years This is how it is

so happens in order to prevent these

things happen to you if you are at home

in as she does not have a job as an employee

because working at home is a

first class work and it's the best job

of the world and that doesn't have to

or put someone else, but if

you are in such circumstances and

want to have a visa e.g. visa

student knows that he or she can be

complicate the process so that it will

I recommend before applying for a visa with

Canada may start working perhaps from

consulting firm or open a small business and

make a small process of delivering

services yourself as company owner

But it is important to avoid being

unemployed at the time of application

Then there is tip number 4

from day 4 of the 30 tips to reach the

Channel 2023

I hope this video helps you and that

know the importance of not being

unemployed by having a visa with the

Canadian government either tourism

study or work kisses to all that

be well chao cha

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