Know the Immigration Law to Convince the Boss 🤓.

Day 27 of 30 tips for reaching Canada in 2023

Knowing the immigration law will help you, among other things:

✅Understand whether you are coming from a LMIA Positive or Exemption country.
✅Whether your employer can apply for a facilitated LMIA or not.
✅Time and costs you are going to have to invest.We cannot assume that the Chief will know about the process of how to bring you to Canada.

So you better not only show all your skills on the vacancy but also on how you could get to Canada to fill that vacancy.

I have several YouTube videos that explain this in detail and if you would like Immiland to help you in your process we have the right service to support you, you can visit our profile link to learn more about our services.


day 27 of 30 tips for traveling to

Canada in 2023 understand the law

to find a job in Canada

get the job offer in Canada

is not the most difficult part of the process, believe me.

that the most complicated thing is once the

employer is interested in you to be

able to persuade that employer to

that it is decided to bring them to Canada which the

employer knows us will say wow me

like this profile but the moment that

you tell him I am in Colombia at

Peru in Panama in

I don't know about Argentina in Uruguay in the

sorry the employer will say Oops how

I bring it to Canada in this video I'm going to

to explain how to do it my name is

Eddy Ramirez I am a regulatory consultant on

Canadian government and my work

to help you get to the next level.

Canada in 2023 or whenever you wish

as I am working on this process now

Let's start with what we are talking about

today the Canadian employer

and it is very rare for an employer to

Canada's immigration law is known to be

very real employer who says so in the

such a law says that you for being

immigrant may apply under this plan

the one who is going to say Oy no this implies a

visa waits And that is very difficult

forget it Then I want you to

before you send your CVS before you put on

to apply for jobs in Canada

understand how the immigration law of

Canada endorses them or knows them in the

process that the employer has to

to follow so that you will be able to

love employer Y before the

employer panic you will already

cover any doubts in Milan

we offer services in which

immigrant comes into contact with the

Canadian employer and explains the

employer what you have to do to

to prevent the employer from panicking and seeing

that there is a migration company in

Canada, which is responsible for making

the whole process of negotiation in

job offer application to lm ya

exception or even apply the positive exception or even apply the

worker's work visa and the

employer has confidence in you

for more information you can see it in the

description of this video in Milan


Let's start the law So basically

you need to know that in Canada there are

different ways of being as

worker there are ways in which the lmia

what is labor marketing pack what is

that employees are afraid is

mandatory and there are others where there are

exceptions or there are benefits or

is facilitated or less complicated

Let's start with the positive lm already positive know

that if you are not from a country that has

an agreement with Canada that we have already

clarification in this regard or that your employer

have any benefits with the government

Canadian Most likely he has

to demonstrate to Canada that for the

has been trying to improve the

recruiting Canadians and has not been able to

that person within Canada and is

forced to bring it from abroad this


can move up to two months in

but it is not impossible because it is

is not impossible because in Canada there is a

giant labor shortage and this

implies that in order to demonstrate that no

get employees in Canada is now

easier than before so here the

employer has to demonstrate that it has

made recruitment efforts and has not

got no one

What are we going to do in your

migration we will try to avoid such

lmia we will try to ensure that the employer

not need it because they are in a certain

labor market or because you come from

a country that has an exception to the lmia

to this section we focus on five countries

Colombia Peru chile Panama and Mexico are

youlc agreements in these

agreements know that there are many people

that for example say no me applied to

working on the Atlantic pilot plan

because I saw a video on the internet

I really liked that video but I see

that the Colombia and El tele character

benefits you then if you have a

tls on your side, forget about this program.

specials forget the famous program

of New Brunswick forget about the program

of the atlantics of the Québec special

and focus on using the tlc as your

The main tool they have to

find out how the TL benefits

Mexican and Chilean citizens

only but benefit citizens

and permanent residents of Peru

Colombia and Panama apart from this the

fta benefits people around the world

forgiveness benefits people all over the world

Canada then has to focus on

apply to a specific province

but you with the tlc you can apply

to any province in Canada and to

any company as long as the company's

company is dedicated to doing what you do.


or that their labor is required

for example, in a thousand years, such a company has not

I can hire an architect because

nimila we are not an architectural firm

it must be demonstrated that the company

requires that the worker requires another point

important is that you need to

work in Canada in what you

has experience and apart from his studies, he has

that the telemetry is being covered if you

worked as a waiter and got a job at

carnival waiter Regrettably the tlc

does not cover waiters and cannot enter

Canada, even if it is Colombian, have to

understand the ftaa well AND how it benefits

other than Eddy I don't have I don't know these

five countries but I am afraid of the

lmia there is a different option Yes, there is es

that appear to be provided as what

is, for example, the plan for the atlanticas

in which certain managers who form part of the

part of a migration plan already have a

lm already approved previously then if

you get the job offer your

employer does not need to convince Canada

that it does not get any Canadians who

do that job because the boss already has

pre-approved slm already positive for

and another benefit is the

Atlantic is that you apply

directly to permanent residency and

no work visa in addition to this

there are other programs such as

Quebec there is a list of occupations that

have a lm already provided in the sense

you don't need If you are of certain

professions to get a lm already in which the

the employer demonstrates that it has made

efforts to recruit people from within

goes then the lmi applies more directly

faster there are other lmia already pre

approved in companies that are in

demand in Canada and the government what

is that it seeks to facilitate the entry

of foreigners you can search for

those offers to facilitate them where in

Job Bank lists employers already

with the lm already pre-approved so that

you can apply directly to

these companies So what is the

objective of this video The objective is that

you direct your search and know how to

for which province or which plan

and avoid reaching the

job interview confused and that

employer see that If you interview

very good and the employer is very

interested in you but you feel

that the migration part may harm you

your application or your candidacy with that

employer is recommended that you

hire a professional to intervene

in that negotiation and get the

employer says ready we go with offer of

employment and let's go with the application to lmi

to positive or extension and then ask for the

Visa Because in many cases the

ignorance of the process generates the

employer doubts that the plan may cost

full migration for you I look forward to

I hope you found this video useful

and that we already have enough of them.

days So we are going for the 27th

There are only three more videos left and we'll be

this process that we are in the process of

I send you a big kiss and

I hope that these 30 tips that I am

giving all these days have served him well

much for your process to travel to Canada

Kisses Until next time

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