In this video I share with you and warn you how complicated it is to travel to Canada to study or work and your partner does not speak the language.

I hope this video is helpful and remember that language should not be a barrier if you study with us at PIE:


day 19 30 tips for getting to Canada

in 2023 that the couple learns English

many people believe that the most important

important is that the principal applicant

whether the language is English

or French know that this is a very

common that can cost you

very much in the process of traveling to Canada

why Because as in everything a couple

wives wives wife concubine concubine concubine

has to work together to

achieve the goal and that is why it is

important for the partner to spice it up

main get the language process

so let's take it easy

my name is Day Ramirez I am

the government is accustomed to regulating

Canadian invited to help them to

you to arrive in Canada in 2023 or 2023 or

whenever you wish and I hope that

one of these 30 tips videos will be

to get a little closer to the goal

Let's start with the language part.

Obviously, in order to apply for a visa, the

partner to the Principal applicant does not have

that knowing the language is not required by

example, if you come to Canada with your

wife to study the language study

college and your partner does not speak the language

it's not like that couple is going to damage

the process but it is not going to

the application process to the

work visa or work visa

student for the application part

of the visa to the Express between e.g.

the express plan evaluates both the

candidate as well as to the partner for

what if your partner doesn't speak English to a

advanced level and French at an advanced level and French at an advanced level and French at an advanced level and French at an advanced level and French at an advanced level

intermediate know that your profile is the

lead candidate I would like to request that

apologies in large and I mean applicants

I know that applicant is not a word in

Spanish I know but I in my head

I always think Main aplicant because in

english I always say aplicant aplicante

So it's a Spanglish I know it's bad

but I apologize for what I said but I apologize for the

I mention but it's hard for me to say

candidate and non-applicant Then if

you the principal candidate and your partner

do not speak English or French know that you

as a leading candidate there will be his

profile affected because the partner

languages are missing and it will subtract

points then if you apply for the

express entry know that you have to put

his wife or wife with husband or wife

cohabitant concubine to study English and

French urgently because the language is

partner will now be evaluated when

one arrives in Canada by way of

studies or through the work route, the

different things know that by the way of

studies the partner has a role to play

fundamental in the implementation process

on permanent residence yes no no

knew in many cases by nomination

provincial he is the partner of the

student for example, the one that is going to

to obtain the experience required to

apply for residency by nomination

even before the provincial

student graduates this is 100%

possible there is nothing illegal normal but

in many cases that I have noticed

in real life the couple does not speak the

language and it costs him his life to get a

work for permanent residence

is also the economic point of view

It's very difficult for one to get to

Canada as a student and the partner who

has an open work visa and who is

assumes it can work all the time

not get a job and therefore

start eating into their savings because

the couple is unable to work because they do not

know the language there is nothing sadder

than getting an offer of employment and

say Wow I have everything the

employer is asking but that the

employer did not hire me because neither

even English or French

Here it is important to take into account

next obviously you are going to say

Eddy in Canada you can get jobs in

which you don't have to know English For

example working packing chicken

meat by cutting fish heads if not

is going to ask you for an English level or

advanced French for sure for the question

is that what you want to do all

your life When you dine in Canada say

I'm going to Canada with Nicolas and Nicolas

you come down to Grenada to study and I am

lawyer and I know she's not going to get

I work because I am a lawyer

and maybe most likely I'm going to

to be able to do is to cut fish heads

because I don't speak English either if I want to

I'm going to ask myself is Kevin you.

you really want to travel to Canada and

your job is to cut fish heads

eye it's not a bad thing I used to clean floors

when I arrived in Canada and worked in

restaurants and cooks and works

and you do what is what you want to do.

could make me pay in Canada.

question is Is it that I want it to be my

life forever or I want to better myself if

you are coming to Canada without

language knows that it is going to cost you a great deal

to get the language and also to get

a good job, that's why it's important

that you used to see Canada couples of

leading candidate participants

know that they need to put themselves to study


We have a language tool

wonderful that is called plant and Millán

education are online English courses

focused on immigrants so that you can

achieve a level of English that is adequate for

study in Canada to look for a job or

you want to do with your language

we teach English and French

and here you can see the website

you can access I leave you the link

below in the description so that

get our costs our courses

and information on how we teach the

language there are more tools for the

language know that you can also

study English in person with

private teachers in Canada in your country

of internet origin on Netflix

looking for a Canadian boyfriend what

But it's good because we're talking about

of couples no boyfriend no but it is

language is important in the process of

to travel to Canada if the partner of the

worker's primary student

or persons who apply for

expressentreet does not speak English or French

and listen to me very well that your

plan is going to be seen quite a lot

So I partnered up with the

leading candidate

make a commitment now and start everything

the language so that in Canada your life will be

life will not be nightmares but is

to have an experience that both the

main applicant as you enjoy

in the process and as a family I send you a

giant kiss and I hope this advice

number 19 of 30 tips to reach

Canada in 2023 will have been of the highest

help and see you tomorrow with a tip

again all the best bye bye bye bye

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