Day 14/30: CANADIAN VISA TO WORK ON ANYTHING! The best option?

If you want Immiland to process your application to Working holiday: video will guide you to arrive in Canada WELL prepared and on track!!!


day 14 of 30 tips for reaching

Canada in the 2023 working Holiday

as I told you in this video in Canada

there is a visa called working

Holiday that allows characters from many

countries in the world, including several

Latin America travel to Canada with a

open work visa to work in

whatever it is, this is a very useful tool for

and here I explain how to use it in the

in Canada as well as in the rest of the world.

of the world my name is David Ramírez I am

consulting firm regulating the government

Canadian and my job is to help them

you to arrive in Canada through the

legal way as it has to be today we are going to

talk about The working Holiday

the benefits and how to use them

more suitable if you watched my video

above and said ready I am the countries

that are part of working Holiday

Board if I get citizenship or apply

and I get it as smart as

you can do what you have to do

is to make sure that before arriving

to Canada

get a job offer Why

Because depending on the country in which

you are there are countries in which the

working Holiday is valid only for

12 months and in many cases there are people

that are seen in Canada and take a long time

time to get a job offer

and therefore do not achieve the

months of work experience

required to apply for residency

permanent parentheses Remember that one

of the objectives to come for Canada to

I work for a company

Canadian employer with a visa of

work and in return I start to like to

collect work experience

And that future experience will be

will translate into the possibility of

applying for permanent residency already

either by expert expressentry chain or by

provincial nomination what happens here the

working holida It is a tool

wonderful for this why Because the

working people work in Canada without

an offer of employment for any

company with a valid work visa and

in this way to gain experience of

work that will give them residency

What is my advice if your

working Holiday is approved

please make sure that before you

set foot on Canadian soil you already have

negotiated an offer of employment with a

head in Canada, i.e. his or her

work was approved

and you plan to travel to Canada in

three months Well then you grab and

those three months before coming to Canada

will devote full time to the search for

the job offer and ask you

you are allowed to work in Canada

the answer is going to be Yes because your

working Holiday was already approved then

you basically negotiate with the

employer is on that date of entry to

Canada is coming to Canada takes out its social

Insurance and starts working as a

immediately what you are going to work on at what

Remember to be careful Remember that

there are provinces in Canada where

working with anything allows you to get the most out of

residence by provincial nomination

But there are other provinces that do not but

who has experience in certain areas

experience, and to ensure that this experience will be

allows people to work on taking out

permanent residency therefore with

a lot of intelligence AND a lot of jealousy

to be reviewed by the full provincial mination

and to know if that offer they got

an offer will allow you to get

experience in a field in that province

that gives permanent residency or not Because

if for example you get a job as

waitressing or, say, cleaning toilets in the

Vancouver sadly The safest thing to do is

that this job offer allows you to

work but it will not give the possibility

permanent residency for the following reasons

provincial nominations nor by the

class change Then as a board of

this week of this day Sorry Les

I recommend if your working is approved by

please make sure to get an offer

of employment before landing in Canada

to ensure that the times are right and that this

job offer is in a field that

should Les

I send a big kiss and hope that this

video will be of great help to you in your dream

to Canada and to their preparation for

2023 bye bye until tomorrow

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