How do I prepare for the Northern Rural Program?

In this video I seek to help clarify some of the doubts about the rural program. It is important to note that this program does not yet exist. However, we can advance important elements to be prepared when the program comes out and begins to accept applications.


hello hello hello very good morning to all of you

miran ramirez again i am a consultant

of Canadian migration in member

official, which allows us to support and

represents any person who is

anywhere in the world to emigrate to

any province or city in canada

today I want to make a video

different from last time which is

the most rural but really the

engagement that in my previous life had

was impressive and the number of

I have in fact received emails that I have

I limit a little bit to make a weekly video

this week I was seriously assaulted by the

last week

then and aim at this video for

answer many questions that are not answered by the

receive e-mails from people

interested in the rural program although I was

quite specific to the program in the

previous video

many people understood about it

of what was the ica's idea of individual

previous so washington saw

clarifying that today's situation

as far as the more rural and like me

I can help you in this

process when then the program

exists and

to answer questions about many

interesting questions that I have

sent last week

to start reading it directly from my

computer then we start with the

first question the let's do a consultancy

on skype for the rural program les

I explain the thing the system of which I

work the way I serve my customers

is very simple a customer contacts me at

me and asks me to send him the profile of

alicante is a format with many

questions for which information is requested

educational and labor personnel on the basis of

the answers that the person is going to give me


I will give you three or four options

to look to canada for these options

are evidently quite general, but they are not

are with a complete migration plan but

what I am looking for is to guide the individual

can make them tell me that from your

answer is very general and did not help me


ok I'm very sorry but I can't do

more honestly in terms of a free

in the profile the person who is

however, sending many people to

have a look at how to apply to canada

think that their profile is viable for a

ex-present when it is not

think that putting canada to work

when they can't that what I'm looking for is

give a general analysis of your can

try nothing to work to study

expresses in tuit applies to a shelter

investor and so what I am looking for

to do in that first half of that first half of that first

view that I meet the profile of the

candidate that is a template that I

shipping is free so please don't send me

send your complete story because

I really don't have time to read it

are sending the messages are requesting the

slate of candidates for it

to send it to you and there to be able to

make you the free review

sent them answers he said he can

award winning canada what are your

more viable options and after that

the second part comes if you wish

a more in-depth consultation in which I

evaluate your profiles in depth this

consultation is done via skype and you will

send the identified information

to enable you to sell your


here the interesting part is that

has I can nowadays make inquiries

by skype on the basis of rural problems

it would be illegal I can't take it up

for a consultation on a program that is still

does not exist if you are interested is

to know what options are available today for

existing programs in canada apply

to your profile we will be happy to

a skype consultation to evaluate your

The objective profile is that at the end of the

consultation you have a plan in place

and detailed migratory information so that

may be your process to come to canada

if you want to retain my services for

the application was commissioned with a lot of

taste we can also do it

second question for the same style workers

diploma and employment references canada

is very clear that the

people who will be able to apply for this

program rivals are going to be foreign

states workers use people who have

is that the workers are people who have

certified work experience now

that very good question that comes to me

how he built the clean me the

references to the diploma in your

university employment references in

different status just to work

but super questions

interesting and is how I can check

as a farmer working on my own

I have this experience

Obviously, as a farmer, I would

I know because I know a little bit about the

when you have your own

If you have employees working

for you or you have people that you

sold in fertilizer seeds of one

to flying with other types of

people who can attest to the fact that

with the last so many years you have

purchased from these companies so many

fertilizers so many seeds so

shows that you are an experience

sowing e.g.

on the other hand, if you sell products

or if you have a livestock farm in

this labor exchange with the company's farm

the people you sell your products to

products or that you produce then

all of this is evidence that in the future

may help to evaluate

identify and evidence the experience

of the flight that you have in the item

agricultural or bovine or agricultural or

any type of experience of


as someone who has his own farm

we can see this I answered in the

previous question I can now start to

formally apply and send resumes

canada likes us they have to wait

a failure to respond to an invitation by

canada you can start sending

curriculum sold to different companies

in these rural provinces, however

the way that if that company

account that you today will not be for

apply for permanent residence

because remember that the benefit

The main objective of this rural program is to

when you get an offer of

work given by a manager of these

provinces or these cities sorry

you will apply directly to the

permanent residence but if you

apply now and build an offer of

work of these provinces or these

cities, one can automatically pick up a bite.

permanent residency because it does not

the program as such exists, so if

you get that lack of work

positive you are going to have to go under

the entire job offer process

to apply for a work visa and this

work visa is obviously going to have

backed by a marketing law for

home is a positive if you are not from

the professions or technical charges for

programs as Colombian Mexicans

Peruvians, Chileans, Panamanians who have

exceptions in this area I say

marketing for casement some parenthesis

in the future to see more videos of ley voy

marketing for homes in exceptions for

other countries i already did colombia and mexico

I have others pending that I am going to do

very soon ok then if you can apply

say positive but remember you are not going to

apply for the rural program if you do not go

to apply for a regular work visa

then they are two different processes

if you rush into huarte right now you won't

you enter as a resident slash as

smart worker

the obligatorily a mail to me

arrived very happy now if or if they talk to you

English if any habitat program

tory in canada you have to talk about

English there are some cities in the 11

cities selected because there are

canada for this speaking program

French so I think that maybe the

French will also be important in

is in this area but English is

super important because it improves your level of

English study as much as you can pass

the examination of jones the mole in canada no

is a government-recognized test

for immigration programs in the U.S.

canada is only recognized for the time being

today's josh wolff south clip

but knowing where it is available in

canada and the united states so

you focus on getting through the year what

kind of allies there are to the general no

The academic academic is only for

apply to universities or colleges in

as for French the French exam

recognized by the government of canada

from plants although then English and

French is mandatory if the

level of English and French perhaps French

in English and for sure so start

to prepare for your English exam as soon as possible.

more than they can for him when the time comes

me you have your help in your

hand ready and they will only have to look for the

other requirements that canada ask that

we do not know yet

eric can represent me in the process

of course I did to be I looked at those and see

if you mean that I can work in

any canadian province with any

Canadian program to attract

immigrants to the country the process with the

Atlantic with the main problem in

in this case with the rural program will be

very similar once the person

get the job offer and this

job offer is endorsed by the

community where the person is going to live ok

the city where she got the job

person has to apply

automatically because the residence

permanent does not mean that because you

and the workforce, and the company's

endorsed by the community is already in

canada you will go through a second

stage that is that canada reviews your profile

and see if you are admissible to look at

canada with your family members here

there are many important points to evaluate

and this is what I am in charge of doing

when I work on the application, I am

would be commissioned to make the application of

full permanent residence equal to

that you comply with all the

requirements and bring them to Canada as

permanent residents

I hope this state will be useful

I hope I have been a little clearer

from what I am above I hope that

you have all your doubts clarified

that they can begin to do in that

time to search for employment letters and more

universities pass your exam

ariel is very important and being

prevented to when this program has been

activated, you can explain to

canada if you have questions or would like us to

evaluate your profile

to see under which program option

you can apply because something very important


canada continues to exist not only

those rural issues in the provinces of the

rural sea that exists, there are a great many

other programs that you may be interested in.

can apply and have as a plan to a

plan b if you find these

activities with great pleasure for

send an email to the choice that

appears below to carry your profile

and tell you what options you have

to go to canada today

and if you are subsequent to this you want to

a consultation via skype with a lot of

I am glad to be here to serve you.

pleasure to have seen you until next time

bye bye

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