Changes in the study permit in Canada. There will be no open work permit for couples
Please wait for the government to issue ministerial instructions to fully understand the changes.
Link to minister's statement:
If you wish to evaluate educational options, please complete this form:
If you want to insure your home before you arrive:
With love,
Hello Hello Very good morning to all
Welcome to a new video Welcome
to my channel as you know my name
is edie Ramirez and invited to help them to
you to get to Canada as I am
government regulatory consultant
today's video is for
to inform you about a news item due to
that the Minister of Immigration Mark
Miller just announced changes today 22
of January that will impact the lives of
hundreds of future immigrants
immigrants traveling to Canada for
please before starting these changes
affect and apply to future persons who
travel to Canada if you are already in
Canada with a study permit with your
these changes do not affect your
process so please do not be
I'm going to explain what the
The Minister indicated that there are basically three
important changes and these changes
The new regulations are not yet in effect.
we know exactly when since there is no
established in any written document
the ministerial instructions on the
of how this will be set up but the
information has already been given.
Let's start with the first major change
I have everything written here
will begin a 2-year pilot process in
which will be established in a What is it?
a cap is a limit of applications that
will be approved each year of
students accordingly in 2024
are going to be approved
364,000 study permits - that's a
a decrease of 35 percent by 2023.
nearly 0 900,000 permits were approved for the
studies in addition to this the cap will be est
established and will be reviewed at the end of
2025 this cap will go away or this limit of
students will be distributed by
provinces priority will be given to
smaller provinces in addition to this
a kind of CQ is opened when one
Applies to be in the province of
Quebec the province of Quebec has to
admitting you as a student this
has always existed in Quebec and the rest of the
of provinces in Canada are going to
set to exactly respect
this limit of annual applications
then there is going to be a kind of
prep study permit by province if
you are going to the province of Ontario
province of Ontario accepts it for
study there and then the government
Canadian government is going to approve your
study if you are eligible conclusion
the first change means that being
less the quotas for visa applications or
less the quotas to have the
visa pardon the government is going to choose the
better profiles so that your profile
has to be the best of the best What
does this mean that you have a
good return to its country of origin has
more funds required than what is
you travel to Canada to study is
linked to their work history and
educational and as I understand the video they are going to
give priority to people who are studying
masters and phds second change
important for the people who see the
canad apply and to study at College that
are private with partnership with College
public will not be able to apply to a post
graduation work permit after
graduate What are these College I have
examples nayagara College Toronto
nayagara College as such the niagara
College is fine but if it is nayagara
College Toronto which is like a Branch
which is called nagara College Toronto that
classes are held in Toronto and east
College is not accepted for post
graduation World permits nayagara
College The College of a lifetime that
nayagara remains nayagara yes second fower College
at ilac fanser College pure fower
College Yes but the one that is at ilac is
deleted Why Because ilac is a
private school that partnered with
Fer college and now this partnership is
finished If you have been admitted for
study at F shag College well but if
your College is fag College at ilac no.
is fine because it cannot apply to a
post graduation work permit third party
georgian College at ilac if you go to
georgian College only well but if
your acceptance is georgian College atac
will not be accepted and fourth fleming
College Toronto Then these four
examples are those names of the
most popular colleges that are affected
for this change If you entered through the
College's private agreement does not apply If
you were approved for public college
yes third change
important they say and this is a very
Please listen to me very carefully
It says that in The following weeks or in
the following weeks the government is going to
pass a change in the law in which the
student couples
international organizations may not apply to an
work permit open to less than
that the main student goes to
Canada to study for a master's degree in
doctorate or a degree in medicine or
right then this is where it's like
that space in which we do not know what to do
and I'm going to be very honest with you, the law has not yet
has happened there is nothing to say that a
application sent today to study in
a public college a student
international cannot be applied with its
partner for an Open World permit this
it is at your discretion if you wish to
apply for your study permit and enter
your partner now in your application the
law has not yet passed, it may be that in 24
38 48 hours for the government to publish the law
but at this time the law has not yet
past for you to say that your partner did not
can apply for a work permit
open if you are applying apply
to college and travel to Canada in the future
to study and you still do not have the letter
acceptance know that if you travel to
Canada as a couple the most important thing is
that your partner will not be able to apply a
open work permit so that
our recommendation is that you as
principal student apply to a
university that can be a master's degree or
a doctorate I am going to leave you here
below is a list of some ideas where
you can apply for a master's degree
where we can register them in imiland
for iman to take care of your registration of
a master's degree then you have the link
below so that they can request the
information on the matter and know our
partners with master's degrees we can
now register them now things in which
you do not have to panic
first do not panic if you are already
is in Canada with his family studying
and working and all in Canada you
you can apply an extension of your
work study permit Can
all happy to remain in Canada Second
if you are a single student you will not
to canad as a couple quietly than anything else
this affects you unless
you are single and have applied for a
private of those I just said that
are ppp College If you have been admitted to
a ppp college and you are single the most
recommended is that we switch to a
College public and you have a
career in a public college that gives you the opportunity to
after graduation post graduation work
Please feel free to send us an email at
education @m to search for you at
you a suitable College and that you
after graduation may
apply for a post graduation work permit
And if you plan to travel to
Canada with your partner it is important to take
in mind that it has two good three
options first forget the plan that
you have applied to the college and we apply
a master's degree or a phd a Master's degree
There are people who think that a Master
it is very difficult to be accepted if it is more
complicated than a College Well, neither
is it so complicated to send an email to
look for options second option if
You are traveling to Canada as a couple because
can wait and has already been admitted to a
College Sorry, you have already been admitted to the
college has your letter of acceptance at
hand you can say okay I have my
letter Here I will wait for Canada
state when this law becomes effective
law is in effect and I expect and apply
after Canada says when
apply or if I want to take the risk
I can apply right away in this interim
which is open to my permission
of study to put my partner in with the
work permit and we all apply in
the study visa and to the
my partner's work visa because if
the law changes in three weeks because already
you cannot apply in the future know a
nothing of the above and I have just said
is written in a law all this that I
I just said is the interpretation in
Spanish what the minister said two years ago
hours in a video that they saw in
YouTube a conference a conference a
press conference left the link below
then what happened is that the minister
information and it was lacking that
every law-drafting team is committed to
and to do all the work for them.
legal transition but already in the
guidelines is oral and has already been delivered and
what I am giving to you today is
that oral guideline things change
things get more difficult if you don't
there is no doubt I am not going to lie to you it is a bucket.
of cold water for everyone is
Canada is going to be a big enough finisher to
but Canada has to ensure that the
integrity of the country and regrettably
there were lots and lots of scams of couples who
were not really couples, they were married for
interest in obtaining a work visa and
So we all pay for the plate as it is
Unfortunately and secondly, there are people
who travel to Canada and do not even know
worry about where I'm going to live in
imiland offers a zmen service
which is an establishment because in imiland
we do responsible migration for me is
it is totally ir responsible for someone to
travels to Canada to study for two years and
when you arrive in Canada say oh where am I going
to live in a hotel and then ends up
on the street because they spend all their
savings it is important to do things
responsibly before I travel to
Canada I already look for an apartment to have
where I am going to live security that
I have a place to live and I can afford the
rent So if you already have your
visa approved, don't wait for them to
come to Canada to find a place to live
contact us to be I leave you the links
below so that in cmen we will look for a
your apartment and have a place
safe place to live I am very sorry for
many people who are so down with this that they
with a bucket of cold water including me and all of us
immigration consultants
I beg you for the support of
please wait for the law to hear the
people who know about it and do not fall
in a collective panic because obviously
This is going to be a bucket for many Les
I send a kiss to all that are very
well bye bye