First provincial nomination draw: Manitoba and Alberta in 2025

First provincial nomination draw: Manitoba and Alberta in 2025First provincial nomination draw: Manitoba and Alberta in 2025

Two major Canadian provinces have exciting Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) updates to kick off 2025. Manitoba issued more letters of recommendation for those seeking opportunities as Overseas Skilled Workers and as Skilled Workers in Manitoba and Alberta kicked off this year with a preview update of its provincial nominations starting with a big draw on December 23, 2024. 

In this Immiland Canada blog post, I share details of these immigration sweepstakes. Read with me to the end to find out if you are eligible for permanent residency in these and other Canadian provinces. Let's get started.

Manitoba PNP Sweepstakes

On January 9, the Province of Manitoba held draws in two categories. These were:

  1. Skilled Workers in Manitoba, with the issuance of 145 invitations to permanent residency to candidates with a minimum score of 838.

  1. Qualified Overseas Workers, for which there was a special lottery aimed at the Winkler region, where 52 candidates with a minimum score of 615 were invited.

In total, there were 197 Letters of Recommendation to Apply, of which 52 went to candidates with an Express Entry profile and a job seeker validation code.

Alberta PNP Sweepstakes

For its part, on December 23, 2024, the province of Alberta had launched an Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) lottery under the Alberta Opportunities stream, which targeted candidates who met specific criteria.

In this draw there were 588 invitations and the lowest minimum score was 55.

The requirements to qualify were as follows:

  • Have a valid work permit (except Post-Graduation Work Permits [PGW]) expiring on or after December 31, 2025.
  • Have obtained a level of secondary education equivalent to Canadian standards.
  • Demonstrate a level of English or French CLB 4 or higher on the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB).
  • Have at least 12 months of work experience in Alberta.
  • Possess a full-time job offer in an eligible occupation in Alberta (less business, financial and administrative occupations and sales and service occupations).

How can you participate in a PNP to permanent residency?

To participate in a provincial nomination for permanent residence, the candidate must meet general requirements:

  • Have relevant work experience in the field of occupation required by the province. Duration and type of experience may vary by province and specific program.
  • Have a level of education that aligns with the proposed job in the province. Some programs may require an education equivalent to the Canadian system, which may require an assessment.
  • Have language skills in English or French and demonstrate them with tests such as IELTS or TEF.
  • Obtain a valid job offer endorsed by an employer in the province. This offer must be full-time and in an eligible occupation.
  • Intend to reside and work in the nominating province.
  • Meet the financial requirements to settle in the province and support your family during the immigration process.
  • Show a criminal record letter and no criminal record.

The Alberta and Manitoba provincial nomination programs represent an immigration opportunity this new year. To be eligible, remember to meet all the requirements and research the specific programs in each province to see if you can apply.

If you are interested in living in a Canadian province such as Alberta or Manitoba and need guidance in your process, Immiland can help you. Contact us or schedule an immigration appointment with our team of CICC regulated advisors and make your application more likely to succeed.

I hope you find this topic useful and can verify your eligibility for the next provincial nomination draw in Canada. Thank you for reading. See you soon.

With love,


Note: This article does not constitute legal advice or legal opinion from an attorney. Rather, it is provided solely to inform readers about certain aspects related to the details of the law in legal matters.

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