Xenophobia of Venezuelans everywhere EVEN IN CANADA?
Do not let our current situation define our future! clear goals and precise objectives.
We will achieve everything!
With love,
Hello Hello Very good morning to all
Welcome to a new video Welcome
to my channel My name is Eddy Ramírez and I am
I am a government regulatory consultant
Canadian to help you to
achieve their goals of traveling to Canada from
hand in immigration consultants
and Milan Canada we are here to
to serve you in any process
today I'm going to do one thing that I'm going to do
as I usually do not do myself in these
years of experience working in networks
socially responsible has learned to ignore many of the
comments delete block people
but last week it went up on Sunday
I actually uploaded a video in which I
Venezuelans were told about the options for
travel to Canada if you do not know
Well, I am Venezuelan, I am a gocha in
San Cristobal and immigrates to Canada 10 years ago
years and so this video focused on my
people like Venezuelans can reach out to
Canada and actually because it serves to
anyone but well I did it
focused on Venezuelans and I received
many beautiful messages but also
I received many messages many messages
which I'm used to but I'm not.
a message that grabbed my attention and that
message is here and says stop
to encourage the arrival of more than more of your
countrymen here we already have overpopulation
so this person lives in Canada there is no
work visa to Rapids Olympia
I was obviously shocked because
the message has many elements
So the first is that the person
says it does not encourage immigration from
my Venezuelans to Canada as if Canada
reserved for other companies.
nationality and not for Venezuelans
second she is here in Canada because
says here Then you are already in Canada
then a Latino in Canada
believing himself superior and insulting others
Venezuelans who want to travel to Canada
and the third point is from that comment
is that Canada does not give visas for
Rapids Olimpia windshields
I was shocked by this comment
Because the person over understands
that if a Venezuelan wishes to travel to another country, he or she should
country has to do so in order to work in
fast or windshield wipers look at me me me
I am making this video to tell you
Venezuelans who may be in the
situation cleaning to open
windshield wipers or rappi or any other
work that is not to their liking for
tell you my story a little bit about me already
I will answer this person as follows
next Mrs. venezolanas
that you see wiping windshields or
working for rappi i can bet you
that a great many of them are people
extremely well prepared and studied
that not of their own free will but by a
government, they had to leave the country
Venezuela then They are there and they are
obtained the title of lawyer-engineer
medical architects and put on the
title of rapid hover its For the love of its
family and to be able to provide for their
family and I believe that there is no
professional more impressive than
he who is capable of forgetting his title
to seek the welfare of their families and
of his family and whether to work as a rappi
is the solution to be able to provide your
that work is more important than
honest than anyone else and does not have
why be an element of mockery as a
you have done it or perhaps like many
other people do it because I am
sure that this mentality Although it is very
sad is shared by more people
So this message is for you
working fast or cleaning
windshields or cleaning toilets or washing
dishes I came to Canada 10 years ago
I'm almost 10 years old in October, and I'm
vi black Although I arrived in Canada in
another era
old Canada as a student and to possible
that one will exchange one's money in bolivares
to dollars and one could make use of its
own money abroad because the
economy was not like it is today because
I arrived in Canada and as of today for tomorrow
I stayed on the street then arrived at
Canada with a visa but I stayed in the
street and I was able to stay legal
obviously first of all it was legal the
legality For me it was very important in
the point of this is that I worked on the
I started cleaning toilets in
a restaurant and in nightclubs I
cleaned toilets with a brush cleaning
bathrooms that vomited all over my
I washed dishes I washed dishes
and this part of the
my hands hurt so much that I couldn't close my
because there was a lot of pain in the hands.
my fingers and toes were breaking
skin were hands like crocodile hands
I cooked like never before in my life I remember
as the boss I had forced me to cut
onions by hand because I did not like
how the onions were cut into
the food grinder and I was cutting up
onions and cried and cried and cried and cried and cried
cutting onions for days and look
sometimes the work did not take anything away from me and I
at that time as a lawyer I had already
created in Venezuela as a lawyer and I did it
I did and 10 years later I am the owner of
a company that has almost 60
have almost 60 workers wants it
to say that I pay 60 monthly salaries
The immigrant we have families that
depend on their radios we have workers
in Canada and in many parts of the world and
we have succeeded I would like to say to
you who do not care about the
circumstance in which you are
today it doesn't matter if they are cleaning
floors cleaning windshields washing toilets
cooks Uber rapis if it's the job
you want to do for the rest of your
life do it because you are happy
but if your goal is different, my advice is
is to set clear goals and objectives
defined and have in mind what they
you want to do in the long term and
work for it and don't forget about the
goal they have set for themselves, they believe
clear strategies And I remember one thing
our sad and melancholic past and
nostalgic I have left Venezuela our
present, perhaps not the one we want, but not the one we want.
should define and decide our business and our
our future is our future and
comments like this or many others
comments in which they hate the
Venezuelans do not have to dial
our future we are honest people and
honest hard worker
all the people who have all the
hands creativity passion
intelligence is going to
to get ahead wherever we go and
it is normal that when there is immigration
so massive that very good people leave
not so good but I am sure that
there are more of us good guys and don't worry
because look I see it today because by
example, my family looked from Colombia
years to Venezuela and Venezuela also
we were hateful to Venezuelans with the
Colombians were hated because at the
people like what is not one's own is
normal but with work and sacrifice
humility and a lot of effort we are going to
to be able to show those people
that today humiliate us that we are
able to change everything Ok obviously
Venezuelans are everywhere because of
example the orchestra conductor
Montreal symphony Rafael pallaré es
Venezuelan and I went to see him on stage in
the Montreal theater and he directed the
Monica Orchestra and I thought it was magical.
magic what made her and I was my
my heart was going to burst with pride
to see a Venezuelan in such a position and
there are hundreds like him making history
changing the future Then do not allow
never that derogatory comments such as
I'm not affected by this.
I put on my seal suit and all I had to do was to
I am not interested but I know that
many of you When one of you is
insulting in such a way on the head will be
mete that perhaps the future of a nothing
more that they say but they have to
know that this is not the case and that you are going to
to be able to go further than they ever did before.
I send you a kiss
great to all and so this video will reach
a person to reach that person, so that he or she
and fill their souls and tell them if they are
that person could do it if I could do it if I could do it if I could do it if I could do it if I could do it
I was left on the street in Canada and
I started from scratch Today I can
to build something so big I know that
you can also make it for me Kisses
to all of you be well bye bye