I was refused a visa to Canada - Judicial Review JUDICIAL REVIEW

Judicial Review interest form: https://www.immilandcanada.com/migracion/revision-judicial

Official IRCC link: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/asylum/claim-protection-inside-canada/after-you-apply/refusal-options/federal-court-review.html

With love,



I think that too professional As for

example doctors and lawyers we are left with

our mind clients to whom we say

we failed him we failed him because we did not

we achieved what we wanted to do and its

case was rejected or the physician failed to

cure the patient in my case I have

three cases that are ceded in my mind by

always and I want to tell you about them

because they were cases that received

rejections that I know were not

and that we could fight but

at that time I could not fight

I was not a lawyer, and I want you to

and in addition to these cases, let's talk about the

strategies that one can apply when

Receive a rejection I want to talk to you

subject called judicial review which is

judicial review in which after

that you have received a rejection two

rejections three rejections many rejections and

you don't know what else to do there

to evaluate a Federal resource with

Canada, in which a judge intervenes in

process and helps him, let's say, to make that

immigration officer to review your case for

Hello everyone My name is

Eddy Ramirez and I am dedicated to immigration

Canadian and and I want us to make a theme

important judicial review call in my

case I have three more or three more topics

situations in which I had clients in

I didn't get what I wanted

for them and they stayed in my mind.

One of them is always personal is my

premium we apply to three permits of

study and the three study permits

were denied and the reasons for denial

had no merit were reasons for rejection

that were not established in the law or

that one would simply realize

that the officer denied him a visa because

she was from Venezuela it was very logical it was

very obvious in that case, she desisted and

she finally applied to another country, she

went to another country

the second case is a mother who sent

her two children to Canada to study and

when she applied to come to Canada

as a tourist to visit your application

was denied five times we had five

tourist visa refusals at the end of the year

I know what she did I told her it was

know a lawyer for judicial evaluation

review Because in my part there was no more

nothing to do I understood that she did not

there was nothing to do and that it rejects itself

because she was Venezuelan and the third

case was a person from Cuba living in

Chile in which the rejection letter

showed xenophobia and the letter of rejection

it was only logical that this officer

Simply because of racism that it was

cuban living in chile did not want to

approve the student visa for

travel to Canada in these three cases I

At that time it would have been possible to

recommend to that customer to make a

judicial review but I couldn't do it

because she was not a lawyer and I want her to

explain to you today What to do

when your work-study permit

tourism or permanent residence has been

rejection and you don't know what to do

What you can do in principle

that everybody else does is not like my

visa was automatically denied I am going to

sue Canada We are no longer going to

calm down a little bit here with you

to evaluate different scenarios or

strategies first the rejection of the

application is sometimes rejected by the

rejections are based on many factors, including

cases are obviously well-founded

because you do not send documents

enough to show their solvency of

bank did not send sufficient evidence of its

no longer had roots in his country of origin.

trel history, i.e. they are reasons of

rejection that make sense when one

many customers come to imiland

with its previous rejections, imiland sees the

application that the customer sent or requests

atip that atip are notes

immigration officer officers

that tell the real reason for rejection

because the letter you receive from

rejection is a generic letter but

when one asks for the tip, the tip is the

actual notes that you analyze in your case and

one sees that a tip one says Ah la

application can be enhanced by this

side and one

customer reapplication with a rejection lo

we grab we ask tip we make the

application again, we answer the following questions

reasons for the tip and the application in

many cases it is

now approved what happens when that

customer is from imiland imiland is a

precious application Everything was answered

everything is done the application is sent or

for the first time the application is sent and

the officer denies it for rum or

documents that one sent for example the

officer says You are traveling to Canada to

and did not send the letter of

Acceptance of College Apologies for the letter

acceptance is attached or you are traveling to

Canada to work and did not send the contract

of work Mr. Excuse me for the contract

was sent or you applied for a

work for the FTA with Colombia was a

Milan Real and Colombia's FTA case

does not include your chef's forgiveness but does include the

included in the chef's noc is the

sub chef in the Index of titles Then

the officer kind of denies the visa When

one sees it for reasons that I say it already goes

I made that application perfect and

these documents were sent when

that happens a situation called

reconsideration A reconsideration is a

resource that one can do for a

letter in which he sends you the official and

says officer ya va please let's go to

you calm us down in your rejection you tell me

that I was rejected by ava for this reason in the

application on page 25 of the letter

of motives is that attached go to

the officer grabs that letter and

Epa says Epa I made a mistake, checks it and says

Okay I'm going to change my decision to

reconsider in this case, it is not necessary to

pay the officer again Simply

grab and change the portal d you see that

that says rejected The officer is going to

change it and is going to place approved and will

send a new letter in which you

their visa is approved, but this element

review does not have an obligation

of part of is a power

discretionary then one sends the

reconsideration and the officer stays

quietly here appears the third resource

which is called judicial review here the

Chief's boss appears in the movie

so here's what happens when

its application was rejected within

Canada you are in Canada and you

receives a rejection for example is in

Canada as a tourist and applied for a permit

and was denied or any other

another case within Canada after the

you have 15 days to apply

to the judicial review 15 days if you are

outside Canada has 60 days from the date of

you received that letter and saw it on

rejection Then in that period of

time what does one do as one

says ya va I ask for a reconsideration lo

I asked for but did not receive an answer

reapply Im Milan's customer what you

we do in yilan is that you already are

client of ours and miland made his

application we know that the decision was

was not founded have not responded to the

reconsideration there we put on the table

jural review what does it consist of or what is it

this here basically the lawyer because

we do it with has to be a lawyer

whoever does this goes to the federal court and

Federal court tells this application

of this person was decided by a

that violates due process does not violate

took the law into consideration or applied it

incorrectly so please

Federal Court Judge I ask you to

to allow me to go to a hearing for

review this that is judicial review How

this is done within the period of

time I told you a file is prepared and

is presented here there is a first one

first door to be knocked on is

called le for judicial review is like a

permission to go to court here the court

is going to review the case and will

see if the case has merit

merit What is it that I have something to

fight it if the court finds that it does.

There is merit in giving you what you are

llama Grant the le for judicial review

as the lea is granted you here are going to

to be allowed to go to a hearing is

to a hearing before the judge is going to

be the judge your immigration lawyer

Canadian and opposing counsel

which is the

immigration the three feel an audience

how movies review the file

see things they will not see the evidence

will not see the document as such but

that they are going to see exactly whether there was a

error in interpretation or application

of the law or if due process was violated.

process if the judge here sees that there is something

strange that it is what the judge does the

The judge can make three decisions

first you can say sorry but the

decision is correct.

go away because there is nothing to do

can say against it, i.e. to say it is already going

est to test it or you can send the

decision for review by the officer

again that it is the one that always happens in

the normal cases in which the judge says I

I will eliminate rejection and I will

erase it in the immigration books and

I'm going to ask the officer or the office

visa that decided on your visa that

check your file again to ensure that it is in order.

recommendations that I am going to give you here

the official in latam for example in its

country is going to receive this package of

Canada with the boss of bosses there

I was going to look at the recommendations and

will learn how to interpret the law

for your specific case and this

officer will see that and the official

can refuse the visa again because

may reject it, or it may

approve the

This process is a process that is

very long that can take up to 9 months

is quite costly because it involves

lawyers with when you imagine

Federal Court Attorneys already you think

this is a lot of money eh but it is a

a resource that exists for many

people and many take it as for

example especially people who, like the

second case the mother of these two children

who went to Canada to study we are

by separating families we are separating a

mother of his two children these two children

want your mom to go to Canada to

see them as tourists because they have had

children have grandchildren and that person has not

So what's going on here?

than actually assessing the case to determine

If there is merit, obviously not all the

world has merit and second if there is

reasons to spend so much money because

for example is a person who applied

a tourist visa because he wants to see

nagar Falls really you to see it

nagar Falls is going to spend that kind of money on

a judicial review application or is

because you prioritize tourism because

wants to see his family in Canada there are

what to actually evaluate Why is the

rejection or for example you earned a

phd at the best university in Canada and

want to study in Canada Okay fight for

that but if not such a heavy reason

reconsider this application or see if there are

another better destination for you in another

part of the world watch it with a lot of

objectivity and also for example

judicial review is very important for

persons applying for residency

permanent if you apply for example

an Express entry or a nomination

provincial and is denied Well, it's a

because it is obviously the residence

permanent in any case if you

want to get involved in this great film that

is judicial review if you have a

visa rejection and wants Milan

make your judicial review the first step

is to reapply and Milan is not going to do a

judicial review without making the application

from scratch for you again the

student tourist visa application

work you did to see if the

reject it if they reject it we activate

judicial review and throughout this process

from start to finish in nilan we can

to serve you in this process

I hope this slightly confusing video is

the first video I've made with such topics

ocad in law has served them well for me

it is also complicated to explain these

because they are very difficult for me.

let us know if you liked it and let us know your

orders be well bye bye bye

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