From Colombia to Canada with Immiland. Conference October 22nd in Bogota

Bogota, see you this October 22nd in a super event that will bring you closer to your goal of reaching Canada in 2024!

In this link you can purchase your ticket if you wish to participate.

With love,



Hello My name is Ed Ramirez and I am

regular migration consultant an el

Canadian government and I want to tell you

that this October 22 we are going to be in

the city of Bogota with my team of

imiland telling them everything you have

what to know about immigration

Canadian In a 5-hour conference

on Sunday, October 22 at 1:00 p.m.

afternoon in front of the andino shopping center

will be a meeting in which you will

to have the chance to be with Edna

Guerrero immigration consultant

Canadian and Colombian Angi Diaz a

person who knows everything about studies

in Canada in which province to study which

College or university you have to

select admission requirements

other than this Gabriela Estrada who will

to explain to you what you have

what to know about how to choose your home

and to achieve the right level of

of their dreams and apart Nicolás ureña qui

is going to explain to you the tips and

tips to make a very good discharge

and in addition to this, how to spend the

interview with employers

and with me, who is also a member of the Canadian

I am a government regulatory consultant

Our goal is that

for 5 hours we can get to know each other

clarify your questions answer all questions

any questions you may have and that

together let's create an immigration plan

that can bring them to Canada in 2024.

many people participated in the ican

Dream of 2022 And already today they are at

Canada and our hearts are filled with

know that our conferences achieve

the objective of which is to bring them to

you to Canada So see you on the 22nd

October in the city of Bogota in front of

to the Andean shopping center to buy

tickets can enter the link that

is below and the cost of the ticket

is $80 American that are very well

see you soon bye bye bye

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