Canada CLOSES THE DOOR ON REFUGEES I Closing Roxham Road

This news is undoubtedly a huge and sad change for Canada.

Here are the news links:


Roxham Road closure:

With sadness,



Hello Hello Very good morning to all

Welcome to a new video Welcome

to my channel as you know my name

Ramirez and I am an immigration consultant

Canadian government regulator

invited to help you to

to Canada through legal channels such as

has to be

As you have just seen in the title of this

video I'm going to talk about refugees

in Canada is a subject that I have never

I speak I avoid talking about the reason why

this happens is because the reality that

refugees live a reality

too difficult unimaginable things

that we can think of that compels us to

those people to travel to Canada and PR

and it's a subject I don't know about.

I wanted to make it somewhat popular

social media, but today I'm

I feel compelled to do so because I have

seen a series of comments a series of comments

of messages in my videos that really

and destroy my heart and my soul.

I have seen people talking about it and

I say it can make us and also because it has

there has been a very big change this Friday

the Canadian government hand in hand with the

of the U.S. government have just

forcing the seifter countryman deal

in which by means of this change that

there were thousands of people who will not be able to

never ask for more or they won't be able to ask for

shelter in Canada as it was done in the past

What was the message that made me

make this video a message that says that

I put O. So it is better to go for the

Darien jungle pilot plan says this

user Luis Padilla


I place the comment here and I place the

person because that can't be this can't be this can't be this can't be this can't be this can't be

may be to draw a little concept a

little context so that those who

understand the issue the Ariel rainforest is a

jungle that is at the entrance of Panama and

a very hard jungle to go through a jungle

that thousands of people are

people walking by today

coming from Venezuela from Colombia from

chile and many, many other countries people

coming from Haiti who have traveled to

South America and are going to

America to the north people pass through there

even Cubans who have left other countries

countries and decide to leave the United States for

that they cross this jungle they cross it because

is the only way to enter the United States

The United States is that it divides South America from

and North America, then I

I woke up today and got this news that

destroyed my heart because

30 people burned to death in Ciudad

Juárez in Mexico and many of them are

Venezuelan nationals who were deported from

Mexico to the United States and were there

held in that immigration center

burned to death

and when I see a comment like this

I say that it can't be and that's why it is

you were telling me in the video this video goes

Dedicated for people who think that

seeking refuge in Canada is a game

people who thought they had a choice

between requests I go to Canada as a student

worker or Shelter I know of

people who have a perfect profile

to apply through studies or by

the way of working that have the capacity to

full financial support to pay for their

a profile that will allow you to

a little bit of polishing was needed to put a

little bit of effort to come for the

present persons who

had the profile to perhaps come to

Canada to study but lacked savings

a little bit but they told me No, I'm leaving.

as a refugee I would say Ok but

tell me do you have any profiles

situation in your country that puts your life

at risk or risk of torture or risk of

of death you belong to any group

and the answer was no, but I was

invention look at

now Canada is in fashion is a video of

someone I on the internet someone on

internet that said basket was of

fashion and I was coming to Canada to seek refuge.

escaping from the Chavez government when

themselves the video said they were

children of Chávez

people inspired by this type of

content the people who see the

would be saved as a pilot plan in which

you can choose whether to seek refuge in

Canada is a major contributor to the

decision taken by the Canadian government

last Friday at the closing of the

refugees entering Canada more

I explain to you in Canada

with the United States there is an agreement that

is called de safe count in this agreement

Canada United States prohibits

people who entered that country from

seek refuge in the following country By

example, if I enter the United States first

and my goal is to seek refuge in the United

Canada I will be blocked and

refuge in Canada because I have already set foot

United States I step in a safe country

before entering Canada Then I

I am blocked from seeking refuge in that

second country I set foot in because I already

I set foot in a safe country which was the United States.

United States if I travel to Canada and then

I intend to seek refuge in the United States

I can't because I first wanted to

Canada and I am forced to seek refuge

in Canada That's the agreement That's the agreement That's the agreement

principle of the agreement

However, this agreement had

like a hole

Simon a little hole in which the people

could step in and let's say break what

the agreement stated that if I did not

entering Canada from the United States

through a port of entry, i.e. through the

official border but entered through

the black roads along a border

that it was not legal to enter Then I

could seek refuge in that place and from

that law or that agreement does not immediately

applied to me

that entry Canada is called roxanne

for more than 20 years roxanne has been hosting

characters around the world people from

the world that came from the United States and

and enter Canada through this route.

to seek refuge and Canada accepted them

to the city of Montreal and

there in the province of Quebec had their

judgment And they decided whether or not it could not be

called refugees in Canada and then

obtaining permanent residency

this site is the roxanne last year

received more than 40,000 refugees who

and this year, the number of people entering through there

is multiplying and the province of

who said No more I can't go on

refugees because the country has been receiving so many refugees because the

province is not enough

and this makes me think a lot of things.

things because obviously this is a

response to the governments we have

our countries to the presidents who

in our countries, we elect those who

megalomaniacs sick with power who are

countries that run our countries, which are the

that so many people have to pay for the

including me running away from those

policies that what they do

our economy was our economy was our economy was our economy was our economy was our economy was our economy was our economy was our economy

our dreams and dreams and our

our families our future

but at the same time in this amount

people who are entering Canada and a

a very large percentage of these people are

people who do not need or do not deserve

apply to a shelter are people who are

directed by a virus that says Canada

and they decide to travel to Canada and

ask for shelter because it is a fashionable thing to do.

well I have to tell you today at

those who followed that fashion that the

I congratulate you because thanks to you the

door that received people from countries

as Afghanistan Haiti

Syria Venezuela

Colombian refugees who are in Colombia

escaping guerrillas and other people

many more people thanks to

you a very high percentage that

invent their own refugee cases or that they are

the jungle pilot plan to the Darien

as if it were a game that entry

to the safe Heaven which was Canada was closed and

now what is going to happen then now people

that reach it can be knitted or crocheted

to ask for shelter that follow

walking and walking thousands of people

will be immediately deported to

United States and United States

to their countries of origin

and the only way to enter Canada as

The most common refugees today are

what will be good will be to apply

a work study tourism visa

enter Canada as a student tourist

and within Canada already as a

student tourism to work order

shelter but you know very well whether or not

have seen my videos what happens to the

tourist visa for work study there are

to have a high social status or there are

than having a certain amount of money in the

account or previous studies are required

or you have to have a lot of resources

economic And unfortunately not many

people who do seek shelter

that they did deserve A shelter does not have

access to these types of visas and has just

close on the face

Hello another way is that people who have

family in Canada is an exception

So if you are walking by in

the border and want to seek refuge in

Canada have a family member in Canada a

immediate family member that immediate family member

can serve with one exception and do not go

to be reported to the United States but

that goes for nothing of weight and its Refuge

but that little hole that the one in the rock and

roll is over and for me it is very much

coincidence that just when I see

this type of videos that Canada is

and this boom of people who come to the

me saying

I have I have the means for Canada

study or work or express for the

shelter because what's the point of all the effort

if the shelter is easier

Enough is enough

Always look for a way to turn everything around Enough is enough

of always looking for the best way out

It's easy enough to think that coming to

Canada to ask for easy refuge Look at the

news is here and I'm going to put it here for

that they do not say it is a lie

39 people die in a fire

during a protest at a protest at a

migrants from Mexico in the city of

Juarez is real news and it happened today


a piece of cake

burned to death in a stress census

it's not an easy thing to do either

perhaps die of starvation or dehydration

from the desert going to the United States

it is also not easy to freeze to death in

Canada's front with the United States

it's not an easy thing to do either

we think that the easiest life is the one that

But this does ask for

requirements this has consequences

you when you enter Canada if your

Refugio's case is not real you are going to

to discover them will return them in their

country of origin I call this video

is for you, for people who

think that everything is easy and that they always

can turn everything upside down and make

and cheating him

to the system and benefit from it all and laugh

and mock or have or have it the fault

of prudence to write a comet that

says that the pilot plan is better

the dancer as if that were a plan

who cannot choose over another

no And if you are thinking of doing

this and want inhilando to represent

or want to pay for a consultation with me with

my consultants Unfortunately we

we cannot serve them in a process that

be lies we can't help

anyone to break the law or to manufacture a

Refugio's case I am today

supremely sad because for me to see

that entrance is to see the closing of

the dreams of many people to close

the the the the the shelter to many people who

come looking for what Canada can

people are still arriving

there to rock and road because they don't have

phone has access to any type of

communication and do not know that the Roo

get there

moms carrying in their hands

and they can't get through because

thousands of people abused the system and

for Canada as if this were a


to invent shelter cases

and this was the consequence of what

then know that every action

has a consequence in Canada if

you take things as a game

Canada will have repercussions AND this

is the decision is a decision that

changed what Canada is Canada until the

Friday in a country that accepted thousands of

thousands of immigrants and on Friday Canada

closed the door and smashed what Canada

as a policy as well as an ethic that was

be a place of

migrant aid is over why good

for many things but within those

many things I know that there is a percentage

of guilt of those people who

they think they are a game and that they can

choose between studying and working Ah Oye

a good Como refugee so to you

the people who did that and are

here in Canada

know that underneath you have the

shoulders the weight of those people who

are out there in rock and roll without bridges

here nothing I'm sorry happy it's not a video

to explain to teach me but it is a video

of the reality that our actions

have consequences for other people

kisses to all of you be well

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