General information
It is the only province in Canada with artificial boundaries, and is also completely landlocked. It produces more than 54 percent of Canada's wheat crop. Potash is the official mineral of Saskatchewan. They are the world's largest producer and exporter of potash. Curling is the official sport, has a single time zone and no daylight saving time. It is bordered on the west by Alberta, on the north by the Northwest Territories, on the east by Manitoba, and on the south by the U.S. states of Montana and North Dakota.

Saskatchewan summers are generally hot and dry. High temperatures range from 15 C in May to 30 C in July and August. We average the most sunshine of any Canadian province; nights tend to be cool.Winter usually begins in November and temperatures generally stay below freezing.

Cost of Cost of Living
1 month average

1. Skins
2. Fish
3. Forest products
4. Agricultural products
5. Minerals.

Living in
Health health system
Saskatchewan's medical system covers the cost of basic medical care. Residents may also choose to purchase private health insurance plans that would provide even more extensive health benefits. Many employers also offer private health plans for their employees which may include basic dental services, etc.

Driver's driver's license
To be eligible to obtain or renew a Saskatchewan driver's license or photo ID card, you must meet Saskatchewan residency requirements and complete the declaration stating that you are a resident.


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