General information
It is the largest province in area of Canada's 10 provinces, second only to Ontario in terms of population. Its capital, Quebec City, is the oldest city in Canada.
Meaning "where the river narrows", it invites visitors to enjoy the splendid view of the majestic St. Lawrence River and the pastoral Orleans Island. The main metropolis is Montreal and is the second largest city in Canada.

The warm season is from May 28 to September 17, with a daily maximum temperature of over 19°C (68°F). The warmest month of the year is July, with a temperature of 27°C.
The cold season is from December 4 to March 13, with a daily temperature below -0°C. The coldest month of the year is January, with a minimum of -14°C and -6°C.

Cost of Cost of Living
1 month average



Living in
Health health system
Social service care is provided by the same government department.
One of the advantages of this unique feature of life in Québec is that all the health and welfare needs of Quebecers are considered free of charge.
Health care system: RAMQ (Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec)

Driver's driver's license
If you hold a valid driver's license approved by another province on Canadian territory or by another country, you may drive in Québec for six consecutive months.
After that time, you must have an international driver's license. If you decide to settle in Quebec, you must obtain an official Quebec license.
Driving licenses: SAAQ (Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec)


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