General information
Manitoba is home to two Pan American Games and a place where you can see the Northern Lights and polar bears walking the streets, the province has a fascinating mix of rural and urban areas with a very modern urban lifestyle, being part of the stimulating atmosphere that this province has. Its main cities are Brandon and Winnipeg. Manitoba has the largest Icelandic population outside of Iceland.

Manitoba is one of the coldest regions in Canada with an average daily maximum temperature of only 6 degrees. In the cold season, maximum temperatures are well below freezing. Spring: -1°C to 15°C (April and May), Summer: 12°C to 30°C (June to August), Fall: 6°C to 20°C (September and October) and Winter: -13°C to -30°C (November to March).

Cost of Cost of Living
1 month average

11% Trade
10% Manufacturing
10% Finance, Insurance & Real Estate
9% Construction
8% Government
6% Transportation & Warehousing
5% Mining & Other Primary
4% Information, Culture, Arts & Entertainment
3% Agriculture
3% Utilities
31% Other Services

Living in
Health health system
The Manitoba Health Card - Manitoba citizens and residents pay no premiums or out-of-pocket costs for basic health care services.
A Manitoba health card allows you to see a doctor, get a prescription, visit a hospital emergency room or use most other health services.

Driver's driver's license
As a new Manitoba resident, you may drive a passenger vehicle with your valid license for up to three months. You also have up to three months to change your current out-of-province vehicle registration (plates and insurance).


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