General information
It is located in western Canada, bordering the Pacific Ocean.
British Columbia, or BC, is famous for the beauty of its natural landscapes.
Life expectancy in British Columbia is approximately 82 years thanks to its high quality of life standards.
British Columbia is the third largest province in Canada, surpassed only by Ontario and Quebec.
From 2018 to 2028, BC is expected to have 903,000 job openings, according to the British Columbia Labor Market Outlook.

British Colombia's climate is influenced by the Pacific Ocean and our mountain ranges.
Regional climates
Summer: Average temperatures around 28°C. and 13°C.
Winter: Average temperatures around -22°C. and -3°C.
People in B.C. are able to enjoy an incredible range of outdoor activities in all 4 seasons.

Cost of Cost of Living
1 month average

Film and television

Living in
Health health system
In B.C., public health insurance is called the Medical Services Plan (MSP). It covers the cost of medically-necessary insured doctor services.
If you are new to Canada, apply for MSP as soon as you arrive. Your coverage may start three months after your arrival date in British Columbia. You should get private health care insurance while you wait.

Driver's driver's license
After moving top BC, you have 90 days to switch your valid license to a B.C. driver's license.
The 90-day rule does not apply and you may continue to drive on your current license if you:
Are visiting as a tourist for up to six months
Have a valid student exemption due to full-time enrollment at a designated educational institution in B.C.
Are a temporary foreign worker with a federal work permit designating that you are in the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP)


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